Scrub pythons

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Not so new Member
Feb 17, 2011
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I thought it would be interesting to hear peoples views and opinions on Scrub pythons

So whats your opinion on them?

Do you or would you ever keep one?
If no, why?

regards, elise x
I would absolutely love to keep one... It's just the size!!! They are a stunning python!
i would love to keep a pair but i would like to wait till them albinos scrubbys are breed than i would get some of them and but in a really big desplay tank and have it as natural as possable so it would look like a tank from the zoo
I think they are beautiful animals but I think it would be a lot of work.
Finding food for it would be tricky and expensive unless you breed your own rabbits. Plus I've heard they can be great handlers and then one day turn into psychopaths. Not what you want from a 15ft+ snake.
has any one herd how them albino scrubbys are going
The only thing I dont like about scrubbys is that they tend to piss and **** everytime you get them out.
The only thing I dont like about scrubbys is that they tend to piss and **** everytime you get them out.

Mine doesn't do this, perhaps ive been lucky so far? lol

regards, elise x
yep thay are out there in australia but i dont think hay have been bred yet but will be very expancive for a while and might only be offerd to some larger breeders or the peoples fraind first than the public but thay are out here
The only thing I dont like about scrubbys is that they tend to piss and **** everytime you get them out.

Never had this problem with my girl .Unreal snake to own but Imo they can never be trusted .There are a few lucky ones on here that have placid ones but i got the one that has a split personality and at 11ft now she is learning that she is the queen and all mere mortals should bow in her presence. I'm always on guard as to where the bitey end is .
Never had this problem with my girl .Unreal snake to own but Imo they can never be trusted .There are a few lucky ones on here that have placid ones but i got the one that has a split personality and at 11ft now she is learning that she is the queen and all mere mortals should bow in her presence. I'm always on guard as to where the bitey end is .

Maybe its just my mates one, but no joke every single time. But he got lucky and its really placid.

This is a vid of mine taken before Christmas .Don't let the placid nature fool you .Putting her back in he cage after this was taken she gave me a nice love bite to the hand .
i got the one that has a split personality and at 11ft now she is learning that she is the queen and all mere mortals should bow in her presence. I'm always on guard as to where the bitey end is .

That sounds like a very good way to describe a snake like that ;) I think you're very brave to have a snake that large. A bite from her would would be horrible, but you didn't want that hand anyway right? Lol.
I think they are beautiful animals but I think it would be a lot of work.
Finding food for it would be tricky and expensive unless you breed your own rabbits. Plus I've heard they can be great handlers and then one day turn into psychopaths. Not what you want from a 15ft+ snake.

do you struggle to get food for the biggies over there then? what about for the olives?
my olive will eat large rats at a push but rabbits is our food of choice. i sometimes struggle to get giant rabbits for my 14ft burm though.
i think even with burms and boas any snake shouldnt be trusted. my macklots a real sweetie but i will never trust him and the olives a git, even the woma has bitten (my mistake!)
a scrubbie will be added next year hopefully after my wish list from this year has been sourced!
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