Idiotic people that bring teh lulz or grinds your gears :/

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Haha Tristan I've always thought IT would be a hard job like that. The stupid questions I get from my family are bad enough. Can't imagine what a whole office of them must be like. I reckon the next generation of IT people will have it so much easier because by then all the middle aged work force will have been using computers their whole lives
One of my favourite lines is ppl asking you something they can clearly see. I just get home from the hairdressers and Tim will ask if I just got my hair cut. Or often when the car is on empty I fill it up and he'll get in and see its full and ask me if I filled the car up. Worse part, though, is he hates the kids asking similar questions and doesn't realise he does it himself.
One of my friends and I were having a conversation about some mutual friends where their relationship had fallen apart.
The guy had cheated on the girl and gotten another girl pregnant. (scenario)

Me- I saw mans baby today, she's pretty cute.
Her- does she look more like mum or dad?
Me- actually, it's weird, she really looks like mans ex
Her- That's crazy, maybe ex should get tested in case it's hers.
Me- LMFAO!!!!!!!!! ROFLing!
well if its only $1 why complain so bad in the first place . .

If she wasn't so rude I would have just given her the items at the lower price but coz she was rude she could just wait there till I sorted it out :p

Reminded me of a woman who came up to the chemist counter I used to work at and wanted to buy something like 20 packets of sugar free lollies. We only did sales on the registers for store items, so I took her to an open till listening about how stupid the process was. Put through her items, and I saw her face go red when I read her the total price. She yelled at me for a few minutes about how it was an abuse of pensioners who couldn't afford to live... She'd forgotten to give me her pension card for the 10% discount... the packets were 10c each, 9c with the discount.

I was making $9 an hour at the time. :lol:
An old girlfriend had a Torana. One day the blinkers stopped blinking. Told her that the alternator had broken.

She spent three hours that night arguing with her father over the fact that her car needed a new alternator.
An old girlfriend had a Torana. One day the blinkers stopped blinking. Told her that the alternator had broken.

She spent three hours that night arguing with her father over the fact that her car needed a new alternator.

Sometimes just a new battery is all it needs... That usually does the trick... especially if you've already tried turning it off and on again.
An old girlfriend had a Torana. One day the blinkers stopped blinking. Told her that the alternator had broken.

She spent three hours that night arguing with her father over the fact that her car needed a new alternator.

Haha, sped.

I was at the Kfc drive through with my grandparents when I was little. I wanted a twister, and I thought it would be funny to say "tornado", so my grandfather would get confused.

He was arguing with the chick at the drivethrough that a tornado was indeed an item on the menu for at least 5 minutes while I was in stitches in the back.
A few months ago I was a food convention called Crabfest. Clearly because of the seafood factor lol. I had just ordered my lunch at a certain tent & was waiting for it to be ready. The next guy in line came up to have a look at the food & asked what types of crabs were being served (they were on show, fair question). The girl said 'Blue Swimmers' to which he replied 'Um why arent they blue, why are they orange?' Bahahaha! I didn't mean to laugh but this guy was probs 25. The poor girl was just like 'uhhh because we've cooked them?!'.

Also another seafood one, a 17 yo girl that works with me went to the local seafood shop for her mum. Her mum had asked her to get some prawns. She asked for the orange type & was actually serious! So strange!!

Another one; when I was in school I was friends with a girl who thought everyones cars were bought in white & you had to paint them yourself & that the people with white cars were just lazy! Hahah
i was in graphics tech and one of my friends wanted to play a she decided we would play a game that she played with her mum while she was in the car...the game your supposed to ask the other person a question they answer and you ask thema question.

So... my friend went 1st this was her question,
What would you rather drive, A smart car, or a truck?

i answered a truck

then...she decided to answer her own question before i could ask her a question xD...

anyways...after she rambled on for like 10mins about how much she liked smart cars...she told us that when she played this game with her mum they never got past that question XD
Do you drive a golf cart? :p

If you're directing the post count thing at me, then shove it. I don't care about how many posts I have, I'm a member of too many forums to worry about that stuff.

That's very interesting to read when post#27 18th-5 at 1.33pm you posted, Quote" I said no picking on forum posts guys."

Is it do as I say not as I do with you Trent?
That's very interesting to read when post#27 18th-5 at 1.33pm you posted, Quote" I said no picking on forum posts guys."

Is it do as I say not as I do with you Trent?

Have I ridiculed anyone in this thread? The only thing I said, was if the comment was directed at me, the writer could shove it. Turns out it was, and it was a joke. So who cares?

The point of the thread is to have a laugh, but not ridicule others on the site, like what almost happened in the first or second page.

I never did anything like that, so perhaps you should read more thoroughly.
One of the blokes I work with allways says that I have not got enough sticks when I start talking about my snakes.

& I am sure you have all heard that pythons are now starting to cross with browns & tiapans & we must be more carefull.

MY dad had to sell his mini because my mum was talked into purchasing this great new vacume cleaner to clean the carpets,
they only had three bedrooms with carpet, God bless them they are not with us now.
I think it was a $3500 vacum cleaner.

Everbody should be cheery, we are still here!
& do as many posts as you like if it turns you on.

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Lol Ian was the vacuum cleaner a Kirby??! Those mofos are shocking! They tried to sell me one saying my wicked dyson wasn't as good. So we compared them on a patch of carpet & my dyson was just as good lol. He was shocked
I Have a potentially childish rant about my chemistry tutor -___-

We have to complete competency tests throughout the course, and if you get under're kicked straight on out. (what a waste of $2000)

I completed my test with HALF A POINT under 80%, she then tried to make an "example" of me, by going on about how "YOU PEOPLE NEVER TRY TO HELP YOURSELVES" etc etc infront of my class (who were thankfully in the same position and dislike her just as much).

She took the half a point off my test because I wrote 4/6 instead of 2/ just because I didn't simplify a fraction, the answer was still correct!

Then she thought she was doing me some great favor by saying I could resit it at 8am the next day. So, since I live a million miles away, I got up at 5:30am to sit this stupid test.

I passed with over 85%, and she then said
"Oh welldone Casey! I can see you've been working really hard! Congratulations!"

Nice to know my HECS money pays nasty individuals with split personalities to put us down.

she acted as if I failed with 40%...not JUST UNDER 80%.

was so angry, still am!
Lol Ian was the vacuum cleaner a Kirby??! Those mofos are shocking! They tried to sell me one saying my wicked dyson wasn't as good. So we compared them on a patch of carpet & my dyson was just as good lol. He was shocked

No mate it was an Amway vacume from a dodgy salesman that took my mum for a ride, she would have been better letting my dad take her for a ride in the mini.

We have to complete competency tests throughout the course, and if you get under're kicked straight on out. (what a waste of $2000)

My principle told me that if I failed one piece of assessment for English I wouldn't pass grade 12 (good ol' Qld Education)... And since I hated English (particularly the poetry and oral side of things) I dropped out into the "dumb" class. Ended up having to do a short story as an assessment where I was informed by my teacher that she and a many of the other teachers thought I wrote better than most of the kids in the 'smart' class...

Makes me wonder how well I would have done in the smart class if I had stayed and actually tried :lol:
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My principle told me that if I failed one piece of assessment for English I wouldn't pass grade 12 (good ol' Qld Education)... And since I hated English (particularly the poetry and oral side of things) I dropped out into the "dumb" class. Ended up having to do a short story as an assessment where I was informed by my teacher that she and a many of the other teachers thought I wrote better than most of the kids in the 'smart' class...

Makes me wonder how well I would have done in the smart class if I had stayed and actually tried :lol:

Hahaha Highschool is the best :p
and if it were highschool...I could've told my tutor exactly where to shove it!

But since it's Uni, I get to pay the women large sums of money while hating her guts with my future in her hands! woooh!
Hahaha Highschool is the best :p
and if it were highschool...I could've told my tutor exactly where to shove it!

But since it's Uni, I get to pay the women large sums of money while hating her guts with my future in her hands! woooh!

I would have told my teachers to shove it... But I was already close to suspension cause I had long hair haha
private school?? or public school with stupid standards??
We have to complete competency tests throughout the course, and if you get under're kicked straight on out. (what a waste of $2000)

I'm glad you're not going to be a pilot then - imagine if you're only 80% competent on landings?
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