Python or bearded Dragon?

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Active Member
May 20, 2011
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Noojee, Victoria, Australia
Hi. Was wondering what would be easier to have as a 1st time reptile owner. I started thinking of a Bearded Dragon, but am now leaning towards a Python of some sorts. I think Pythons are easier to feed?

Pythons are easier husbandry wise. Bearded dragons aren't necessarily harder, but take more effort.
Get a python! They are heaps easier when it comes to feeding I reckon. A mate of mine had to beardies and he was forever buying food for them and feeding them. With my snakes I just chuck a rat to them when they are looking hungry :)!
I have both and think pythons are easier.

Beardies can be more interactive, but need to be fed and cleaned more.

I like my pythons better :)

But it's up to you, if you're keeping an animal based on ease of care, you'd probably be better off getting a rock :p

your choice should be based on what animal you like better.
Characteristically possibly the beardie would win, but there's nothing like the awesome feeling of a snake moving through your hands.
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there's nothing like the awesome feeling of a snake running through your hands.

I always say that to my friends that ask why I keep snakes and they never seem to understand. It always turns into some smart *** comment on how I like long things in my hands :rolls eyes:
I have 2 pygmy bearded dragons and 3 pythons.
I spent much less time caring for the 3 pythons than the 2 dragons.. It's probably even more so the case for the larger bearded dragons
which seem to have much more of an appetite (and defecation to match)..

Dragons: feed fresh vegetables daily, and I feed woodies every other day. Clean tank every 1-2 days.
Pythons: feed once a week. Spot clean tank/substrate, replacing whole substrate every 2-3 months.

As much as I love my dragons, I won't be replacing them..
pythons are much easier husandrywise, beardies are far more rewarding/interactive,.....

overall, i like my beardies better.

totally agree with smithers tho, pythons feel freaking awesome!! :p
i keep both and i much prefer snakes, although both cost me next to nothing to feed due to my breeding setups.
Snakes dont smell....Dragons stink!
Snakes eat once a week....dragons eat every day...
Snakes have a water bowl.....dragons you gotta mist.
Snakes eat something that you defrost and give to them......dragons eat bugs and fresh salad you have to prepare..
Snake bites are nothing.....ive seen a dragon latch on to a mates finger and make him cry as it bit through the nail lol...
Snakes dont "need" lot of uv.......dragons do...
So in my opinion snakes are a hell of alot easyer....but dragons have funny personalitys so thats where they have one over the snakes...
Okay, my turn! I have both pythons and dragons - ultimately, the choice is yours, but as you're asking "I think Pythons are easier to feed?", then yes, pythons ARE easier to feed - IF you have a good feeder! If you have a finicky feeder, it can get very tedious!

There are so many pros and cons from both animals, it just depends on whether you want something you can interact with during the day, or at night time... Do you work during the day? If yes, get a python! If no, get a beardie! :) Simple really! :)

Whatever you decide, it must be YOUR choice (I know you know that!), weighing up every perspective of both animals - husbandry, time involved, cost involved (including ongoing), etc...

And Bez, I make up a 90litre tub of "dragon salad", for both adults and hatchlings, which usually lasts me two months (every day for two months) during the warmer weather - and I have a few people buy the stuff from me, pre-made... Once a week, I add a pinch of Thiamine, job done! (Thiamine is destroyed during the freezing process)...

Hope this helps!

Snake bites are nothing.....ive seen a dragon latch on to a mates finger and make him cry as it bit through the nail lol...

Agreed. My adult male pygmy bearded dragon bit me a few days ago for the first time. I was holding the female dragon and he decided to get all defensive and bit my fingers. Much more painful than being biten by my pythons.
The difference between them is night and day,

Get what you want.. they both have there ups and downs, but both are a very easy to look after in the end..
i have both and interaction wise, yoda is the most docile beardie i've held/had the pleasure to look after. he puts up with so much as he has had trouble shedding his tail and parts of his face but has not bitten me, hissed at me or anything. i'm constantly learning new things and he's a gun at feeding time.

my stimmie python is docile and was maternal hatched and is also a gun eater so i have no issues, probably getting a olive sometime next year.
Thanks all, lol well Python looks like a winner then. I hate that I can never make up my mind with things. Even considered Gippsland water dragons, Murray Turtles etc.
I am getting I Pygmy Bearded Dragon soon and I have to say that they are way more sociable and fun to look after (even if it does involve a bit more work but its like cats and dogs, choosing a dog means a bit more work but they end results are rewarding. (Metaphor) :)

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