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I use bark for my GTP's work a treat keeps the moisture in and looks very nice
Was using Aspen bedding for years but price and availability become ridicules
Have been using kritters crumble for about 12 months it works OK but i have found you have to open the bag and let it dry out before use as it is very moist
I also place news paper under the substrate to help with the moisture
Does anyone know if wild crystal substrate is any good?

I use it for my Beardies...the fine stuff is easily strained with those little orange scoops used for hermit crabs. Liquid beads so easy to soak up and poop is easy to collect as the sand sticks to it so you get it all. I wouldn't use it for snakes though.
I use bark/leaves/litter gathered from the 'wild', wash it in hot water, and microwave it for 2min to sterilise it. It's free, and it looks pretty. I try not to use anything with fresh eucalypt leaves in it, as I worry that the phenols in the oils that are released (especially under heat) might have an adverse effect on my snakes (they do for cats, and even though the snakes are natives I don't want to risk it). It sounds fiddly, but it's actually really easy, and like I said, it's also free.:)
newspaper here, but it does look pretty crap. My bredli likes to do his business in one particular spot in the tank, so I like to try and put pictures of sports stars and politicians in that area and see if they get hit. Makes cleaning up the poop more enjoyable.
I use a mix of bark and the cocofibre soil for my snakes. I also collect fallen leaves, wash, dry and bake them for surface cover. Good for burrowing through, absorbent and FREE
ANL Eucy Mulch (cypress mulch).
More widely available, & cheaper than KC.
Is ANL Australian Native Landscapes? I always see their trucks driving around...
That's right. When I first started using this I contacted ANL, & they confirmed this contains no fertiliser additives, no added chemicals, no water saving compounds, etc. it's 100% additive free mulch.
Thats heaps good! I only have 2 snakes atm, so a bag of Kritters crumble has lasted me since april at this point (still got over half a bag) and thats fortnightly full clean outs and spot cleans in between. But will have a look into ANL once I have run out as snake number 3 will be on his way soon!
So everyone says that sand is rubbish for snakes. Is that just because of the impacting problem? If so, wouldnt Aspen be just as bad cause its pretty small and would stick to the food and be ingested? Also, if it is just impacting that is the problem then what about if you fed your snake in a separate tub every time? I ask because I have a crazy idea but if I pull it off it will look awesome! I want to deck out the enclosure for my pygmy python as close as possible looking to it's natural habitat. I would include real grasses and whatnot. As I said, its a crazy idea but I wanna try it anyway. She has alot of growing to do yet so I have heaps of time to test out all my ideas thoroughly before its time to move her into something bigger.
I only dislike sand because it gets everywhere. Personal preference really. I think I'm gonna get Kritter's Krumble for my frog and maybe for one of my snakes. I'll have to contact ANL and try to get some mulch for my blueys.
Kritter's Crumble. Now this isn't for snakes (I don't have one, yet), it's for my Bluey and my frogs, but when I get a snake I'm using KC. It's great.
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