*WHO IS YOUR TRUE HERP HERO*????? Who has been your biggest inspiration????

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Active Member
May 20, 2005
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Gold Coast
I first started this thread back in 2006.. I am very interested to see how much if any our answers have changed since then...... *Pat your hero on the back by posting your praise of them here*

I would be very interested if everyone thought back to their very early herp days and could name the 1 person/group or site that they have the highest regard for due to the time and patience that was given to them during their early learning process.

I believe in giving *CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE* and there are a lot of silent people out there who I believe have helped bring the standard of herp care up to what it is today through their tolerance of all newbies and their dedicataion to teaching others how to correctly care for our beloved reptiles.
Feel free to include some of the *blonde moments* that this poor person/people had to suffer through with you I know I have MANY to include... (dont look so surprised)..lol

on that note... please dont include names if you know that special someone prefers to stay out of the limelite... they will know who they are by what you have written.... But I think it would be a nice gesture..especially if you havent spoken to them in a long while to remind them of how much you appreciate all they did for you
Naturalist - Harry Butler.
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herp champion

nevile burns by far and not sure if u can top that name yer there are others highly respected the work and knowledge of nevile cant be written .........
MY REPLY in my 2006...... I still stand by the praise I gave to all the people way back then for the support they gave to help me gain enough knowledge and experience and confidence to expend and grow with my hobby.... RIP Tim Nias you will ALWAYS be missed xx

I have to say my first experience with herpers came 6 months after the purchase of our 1st python.... much to my discust as I was totally terrified of snakes..even the tiny worm that was delivered to my son....
That tiny worm ended up being a total nutter who soon had my son bluffed with her antics... and guess who was left to care for her?? the biggest chicken out..... BUT.. I soon found that 20mins after taking a sleeping tablet was the best time for me to approach the lil demon... I was too zonked to care what she did
I found a number for a Qld herp club.. spoke to a lovely lady who helped me heaps over the years. Through her I was introduced to Repchat.... many a blonde question came from me in there ... but best of all is I made my most special herp friends through that lil room....
The main poor buggers who have had to tollerate all my stupid questions for so long and who I have the utmost respect for are....
TheQuiet1 ......without Ron my python days would have ended long ago.. he swapped my DEMON for an adorable male maccie that helped restore my confidence totally.... after 12 months I was even ready to take my DEMON back..she is now so loved they even fell in lust and gave me 13 adorable lil cobra.x.macs
Pythoneyes.. for getting me started with my 1st vitts and for getting me hooked on dragons...and selling me the most awesome lil Bredli :) and helping me through so many dramas
Todd...for helping my collection along with some more lovely lil macs and a 3 wonderful athertons
Tim Nias... Gawd where do I start with this guy.. he has made it possible for me to have some of the most awesome herp experiences and has always been more than helpful with any concerns i have had with my pythons
Dougie.. (one of those quiet but very dedicated and helpful guys who stays in the background a lot) has always been able to be counted on for advice and support with any of my herp issues..
Snappytom.... for talking me through step by step..litterally... the successful cooling. mating, laying, incubating of my 1st breeding attempt...With his help and the help and the advice of Fangz, Dougie and a few others I was soon a proud nan
Rob Porter has also been a great help over the years and his given me some great advice.
LUV YA GUYS and the many others who have helped me along the way..you know who you are
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Growing up it was Eric Worrell, I used to write to him at the Gosford Reptile Pk and someone replied. In Qld I met Ram Chandler, he was a really lovely guy but in the contemporary stakes it was Tim Nias. Tim shared everything in his life. David Williams because of his unswerving passion to create an affordable antivenom and his ongoing work in PNG.
I have also a couple of younger heros, these are the younger people who are doing so well in their chosen fields today, Henry C, Alex M, John M, Brendan S, Jonno L... sorry there are more but you know who you are.
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Someone who I look up to is John Cann.

And there is no doubt David Williams is deserving of huge praise for his humanitarian effort in PNG
Mine would have to be Steve Irwin, there is no one better then him. RIP xx
For us its Troy Kuligowski :)

My son Ned and I first met Troy five years ago, when we purchased my sons second python, a Jungle from him.

Despite how busy he was, Troy always had time for a keen, novice (excited) reptile owner.

Nothing has changed, he still takes the time to talk to Ned about what he is doing with his reps, and answering his million questions.

And, recently, his friendship has extended to include Denver with his help and knowledge of Womas.

Through Troy, I re-kindled my friendship with his mum, Joy.

With her, I have travelled the road of magazine publishing with Scales & Tails Australia' magazine, their Reptile Festival and reptile expos. And other exciting endeavours ;)

So, a pat on the back, and a big thank you to the 'Scales & Tails Australia' magazine family :D
For me its pythoninfinite. He is THE true inspiration for me and I give him all credit for where I am today with what I have and may achieve in the future. Thank you Jamie :D You and Deb are like family to me. xxx
As a newbie my hat goes off to Colin (on this site). Not so much for info, but for breeding the best looking Darwin I've laid eyes on. That is the little fella Osiris who belongs to Mrs. Nato is SENSATIONAL.

Go Colin
Its so interesting all these years later to look back on all our first replies to the original thread (go back and check your past replies in the OLD thread)..... http://www.aussiepythons.com/forum/general-reptile-discussion-42/credit-credit-due-herp-hero-34649/ ...
At the time of starting the thread I had only been in the hobby for a year or so so was not as familiar with the bigger names in the industry..... But if it wasn't for all the people who helped me get started I would never be where I am now....... There are so many amazing dedicated knowledgeable people there who are always more than happy to share their experiences with us... Its AWESOME
I'd barely joined this forum back then and only got my first python in August '06. Had I seen this thread then my credit will still go to Jamie. He was the only person I knew but he is a wealth of knowledge and a great friend.
For me its pythoninfinite. He is THE true inspiration for me and I give him all credit for where I am today with what I have and may achieve in the future. Thank you Jamie :D You and Deb are like family to me. xxx

Thanks Kathy - I'm humbled! :)

I won't name him, because he's not a "celeb" and hence might not appreciate it,

but for me it'd be my highschool biology teacher.

Everyone adored him, and his ability too teach,
but beyond that he really devoted himself to educating people on the care and appreciation of reptiles. That they're not creepy gross things etc.
He had a group of students that would go around to schools with himself and the reptiles to do informative talks about them,
I thought this was a recent thing...until going through my memory box and finding a photo of my older sister (now 21) when she was about 5 holding a snake...with him there next too her!
I remember being in primary school and a man bringing in snakes, which has me wondering if it was him too!

He often brought his animals into our biology classes to tell us about them, and generally I think; because he was really proud of his reptile family. Not in a showy way, but because it really did change peoples opinions on them.

he bred animals, and I know of a few cases were he'd given a student one of his hatchlings when they'd shown him they would care for it, completely free of charge.
He was always there to help people, to help wild animals found around the school, and to educate us on how we could help.

He's certainly a hero in my eyes.

Don't know if he's on this board...could be a bit awkward if he is and reads it hahaha
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I'd barely joined this forum back then and only got my first python in August '06. Had I seen this thread then my credit will still go to Jamie. He was the only person I knew but he is a wealth of knowledge and a great friend.

Yes Kathy I believe our very first herp helpers/friends are invaluable in making it an experience that gives us the confidence and dedication to go further within the hobby... Without them we may have stopped at one snake or dragon....... Hats off to all our most valuable mentors
anyone who would put up with the 21 questions between breathing when i was younger.
Tie, scott, mike, danny, ads, dan, steve w and keiren were and still are very helpful to me
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