What meat would you eat....

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oh n bird spit

yes, being asian does widen your horizons :D

general rule of thumb, i try not to eat anything endangered if i can help it, so no sharks fin or blue fin tuna (and no humans, although i know a friend who claims his relative has tried it)

I remember seeing on a doco once how that bird spit is retrieved; while the swallows themselves are probably not endangered, I'd say the harvesters are... ;)

Try anything once, if you don't you could be missing out on a favourite. I can honestly say I can't stand roo or wallaby, would like to try emu, love venison (especially in a blueberry jus), pork, rabbit, gone off lamb a bit but I'll eat it if it's cooked right... brb gone for a snack...
The best meat you can get is def horse meat. Lean, tasty and tender. I don't understand why we don't get it here down under. I will try anything except human:)
I remember seeing on a doco once how that bird spit is retrieved; while the swallows themselves are probably not endangered, I'd say the harvesters are... ;)

love venison (especially in a blueberry jus)

indeed, which is why the real stuff fetches high prices, its not something you eat everyday... although i don't really get the hype either, its pretty much like agar

and darn, u made me hungry, right after breakfast :?
I have eaten a lot of different stuff that I won't name on here, but most of you have covered it.
It comes down to what you prefer or like & yes how hungry or how much you want to try something different or how drunk you are.

About the only thing that I feel that I would have trouble with is tarantular, BUT I have not tried it, has anyone else?
Do you remember who dares wins program. & I have seen some pretty good docos on different foods.
& who here eats salami & some of those suasages? I think tarantular might be better?

Ill try anything to, i wouldnt support the killing of dogs for the aussie table, and i hate what happens in the production of veal.Just because other countries enjoy feasting on tiger penis and powdered rhino horn and seahorses, does not make it right.
The cultural excuse is no longer acceptable when endangered animals are used or the death of the animal is prolonged, as in asia where dog meat is more tender if the dog dies in agony.
Also, to the people who like pork but turn their noses up at dog...get over it guys, cos pigs are just as capable of the same "emotions and feelings" as a dog...
they are worthy of the same respect to...To bad they are so damn tasty
i would eat a dog as long as its a big one i hate fish bones so little dog ones would suck

in the words of dennis leary ,
just bring me a cow, i will cut off what i want and ride the rest home.
I certainly don't support the eating or medicional practices of endangers animals.
But humans & animals all around the world survive on what they can when times are hard & certain cultures do eat bugs & tarantulars, I am glad that I live in Aussie & have a choice.

Also, to the people who like pork but turn their noses up at dog...get over it guys, cos pigs are just as capable of the same "emotions and feelings" as a dog...
they are worthy of the same respect to...To bad they are so damn tasty

Agreed. I'd love a pet pig. I've even picked out a name: "Sausage". I desperately want a pet pig to call Sausage. The only thing that's stopping me getting one is my husband threatening to eat it when it dies. The thing that really bothers me about it is that I don't know if I'm more horrified at him threatening to eat my pet ("Sausage... nooooo!") **OR** at the fact he's threatening to wait until it dies of old age...
Yearling thorobred is a very tasty,soft delicate meat.and i have enjoyed it a few times,and yes i have had horses most of my life and worked within the indusrty.thousands of healthy animals are sluaghtered for animals consumption yet horse meat is low in cholesterol,fat and all they yucky stuff.i refuse to eat lamb,gross stuff.smells funny.each to our own huh.
i love kangaroo mince spaghetti its the best. also venison is really really good crumbed like a schnitzel
I eat beef chicken pork fish and Ive even tried jellyfish but I dont like eating lamb, thats off the menu for me
When l was young, my grandfather always had cockatoo on Sunday night for tea if they were in plague proportions, l also lived in Lae (PNG) and there was always cooked sea turtle in the Friday markets which l tried a couple of times and for those interested its stringy like chicken but has a taste half way between chicken and pork and before l get flamed this is there "traditional" food source they have been eating since when.
............solar 17 (Baden)

Every species of marine turtle alive hasn't been vulnerable or endangered since when, tradition is no excuse for driving a species towards extinction.

I'd give human a go.
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I've done all the standard meats..
Plus the aussies - Emu, Crocadile, Kangaroo etc.. etc..
When in Japan I tried the generals (horse and whale)...
Horse too tough for my liking, whale tastes like i dono its hard to describe.. whaley?? :p
one of my mates has eaten guinea pig :shock:

Guinea pigs were the staple meat of the Inca before the Spanish trashed the place.

Every species of marine turtle alive hasn't been vulnerable or endangered since when, tradition is no excuse for driving a species towards extinction.

I'd give human a go.

I've eaten sea turtle and dugong on the Arnhem Land coast and islands. I dont like either, they are both very fatty, but when my host offers me a feed I accept it.

You might be surprised to learn that the hunting pressure on these species doesn't come from using power boats or rifles. It's the Freezer that allows people to harvest more than they can eat over a couple of days. Unfortunately people are also less likely to share their catch now they have cold storage so each family group goes out to get some.

While I certainly appreciate that these species are threatened you will find habitat destruction has a much greater effect than hunting. Turtles and dugong both maintain very healthy populations on the Arnhem Land coast despite being high on the menu. But watch what happens if the developers move in and start dredging the sea grass beds and ripping out the mangroves for marinas.
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I adore seafood <3 But I don't eat Veal, simply because I don't have the heart to kill it - and anything I wouldn't kill I won't eat (being able to catch the damn thing isn't factored in btw.)
I eat lamb (my fave) beef,pig (less fave as it is too strong a taste), chicken turkey and some seafood.
That is it. I have NO desire or want to try any other type of meat...
Would give most meats a go once. Don't like lamb or rabbit and pork i can only eat in small amounts. Only certain cuts of beef i can eat and prefer Kangaroo over beef.
Dislike eating fatty meats except if its duck, love the tase of duck. Any grisly, hard or fatty bit of meat makes me wanna dryreach, the meat has to be tender.
Love any type of seafood, shellfish and fish, could live on that everyday. Love Crocodile, wanna try Goanna and Snake, have had Emu sausages.
Would try wild dog or cat, not someones pet tho. And rats, well i'd give em a go, not a sewer or house rat, those giant rats of Papua New Guinea would have a bit of meat on em.
Many others i would try, except for any endangered species...jellyfish sounds interesting! And, although not mammal meat i wanna try some of the bugs, spiders and scorpions that are edible, some of them sound real tasty.
Had a Fish Head Laksa soup at a restaurant and it included the bones, brains and eyes of the fish, ate it all but felt wierd afterwards.
Oh, have also eaten half a Praying Mantis-like insect raw at a party, this was a dare, it tasted like avocado.
Ever tried mangrove worm? Tastes like a condom full of sand. ARGH!!

But many people swear to me that there is no better hangover cure in the universe. I'll stick to coffee, bacon & eggs thanx.
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