What meat would you eat....

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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Mandurah...Western Australia
I've just watched the tv program ... Insight and they posed the question...what meat would you eat or have you eaten....or are some of you vegans or vegetarians ???

I love lamb, pork and beef, I've tried emu and kangaroo and rabbit. I also eat fish...all cooked in various ways.

Some on the program had eaten dog. I couldn't eat dog....too emotional for me. What about the rest of you......are there any taboos for you when it comes to what you wouldn't eat ???

Just curious....

Cheers, Grannie
Beef , pork , chicken , lamb . fish , eel , crab . crayfish . shellfish , croc , emu , bambie , skippy , goat , rabbit , there must be more but for some reason I'm feeling hungry .
I'm not too keen on meat as a whole but am not a vegetarian or vegan.
I will eat pork, fish and other seafood, beef, chicken, not too keen on lamb at all and it all has to be cooked.
I tried emu and kangaroo about 10 years ago but haven't since. Other than that i wouldn't touch anything like cat, dog, pigeon, quail etc or rodents, rabbit, deer, crocodile etc.

ps i love my vegetarian and vegan friends and respect them and the decision they have made :)
I'll try anything at least once. The only thing i would have a hard time with are rodents. I dont understand people who say they dont like something without at least trying it first just because of how it looks or smells... obviously though, the moral side of this i.e. dog, cat etc comes into it though. But for something like camel or kangaroo, why not!
I'll eat almost all seafood, beef/veal, pork if I have to, venison, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck, various other birds... I've had crocodile and emu.. pretty sure I've had kangaroo.. and I'm sure I'd eaten rats from frankfurts... also kebab meat, that's unknown as well lol

My Grandfather used to take me to a German Butcher when I was a kid and I'd taste test all the different snags in there, I never questioned what they were but I'm sure there were probably some exotic animals in there...

one of my mates has eaten guinea pig :shock:

That's pretty normal in Peru.. or somewhere in South America
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beef ,chicken ,pork,fish ,emu,kangaroo,buffalo,rabbit,wild turkey,turkey,crab, crayfish, cammel, goat, crock,corella,most fishes, yabbies, you name it ive eaten it lol
i wont eat dog/cat and i would rip the insides out of anyone i caught eating them, i also dont eat anything ive named especially if its a lamb/sheep etc
If it bleeds eat it

Cat is a delicacy in North Sulawesi
Dog is a staple food in Korea
Water Cockroaches fetch good money in Northern China

It is only our preconceived ideas about pets and fluffy things that puts us off some great tucker
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Wild pigeon
Fruit bat

i also dont eat anything ive named especially if its a lamb/sheep etc

But what if you named it "Racka"? :D

Had a pet lamb at a sharehouse I use to live at. On the weekends we'd put him out on the nature strip to keep the grass down.
Parents would bring their children to "pat" him.
I would pop my head over the fence and tell them it was 50 cents each to look and $2 to pat him. Haha I can't believe how many went for their purses or wallets.
We came home one day to find a note that read
"Hi there, we noticed you have a pet lamb. We have a pet goat his name is George* but have to move so we need to find a home for him. We think they would make good friends. Please call us on ......... if you are interested.
P.s. you can't have him if you are going to eat him.

tl;dr :- Maddy had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow, and when Racka fattened up on the webber he did go!

*not his real name.
When l was young, my grandfather always had cockatoo on Sunday night for tea if they were in plague proportions, l also lived in Lae (PNG) and there was always cooked sea turtle in the Friday markets which l tried a couple of times and for those interested its stringy like chicken but has a taste half way between chicken and pork and before l get flamed this is there "traditional" food source they have been eating since when.
............solar 17 (Baden)
This sums it up for me:

if its got a pulse im going to cook and eat it,

i have tryed ALOT of stuff from horse and ox to snakes bugs and ants
(dont atack me like bear gryls for the snake eating) but they are actually quite nice when done right, same goes with horse and pigeon.

I have tried
Goanna, crocodile, kangaroo, Plain turkey, Scrub Turkey, pigeon, Frogs legs, Venison, and all the usual meats
I would never knowingly eat Horse, cat, dog. As to me they are pets....
Most of the above I wouldnt eat again either :)
i've tried croc, roo, you'r other typical meats, some game (venison, pigeon etc), fruit bat, softshell turtle n shark
oh n bird spit

coagulated spit taste like seaweed jelly/agar, fruit bat taste like chicken, softshell turtle, like baden said pork/chicken love child, n shark taste like nothing, its bland gelatin really

yes, being asian does widen your horizons :D

general rule of thumb, i try not to eat anything endangered if i can help it, so no sharks fin or blue fin tuna (and no humans, although i know a friend who claims his relative has tried it)
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