Stupid places you have fallen from

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I'm not keen on climbing ladders or climbing onto my roof, the front gutters are only about 10 ft off the ground which isn't too bad,but the back gutters are more like 16 ft of the ground.

Fall from either of those heights and you'd lucky to survive the sudden stop at the end of the fall. (a fall of 1 m on a hard surface can be fatal).

Thats why im lucky i didnt hit my head!!

My insurance company is covering the belongings i lost. Thank god for that!
A horse when the saddle slipped onto its belly.
A Shetland pony...when it was standing still :oops:
And I almost fell off a mountain. I was lying on a rock that was jutting out of the edge and was about 6ft long and 2ft wide. Went to roll across onto my belly to look at something before realising there was no rock to roll onto :? got yelled at by my friends for being so stupid.
Thats why im lucky i didnt hit my head!!

My insurance company is covering the belongings i lost. Thank god for that!

You came off very lightly, you only bouced off the rocks on the way down and essentially had a soft landing when you landing in the water.

Could have a lot worse if you brained yourself on the way down or broke a leg or an arm or your back.

I hope you bought a lottery ticket.

I was friendly with the chap who did a similar thing as you several years ago near the end of Stockton Breakwall on the harbour side (very treacherous and steap climb and even more so if the rocks are wet and SLIPPERY) , he was climbing down to gaff a big fish and fell, he died because he hit his head on the way down (probably killed him outright).
I'd encountered him many times fishing for snapper, jewfish and nigger around the harbour at Newcastle and Stockton and had often had conversions and chewed the fat with him, and we'd gaffed more than one of each other's big jewfish over the years. Us snapper and jewy fishos from Nobbys , Stockton and from around the harbour who are landbased all know each other and we're a pretty tight little band.

Now I'm in my mid 50s , a lot fatter than I used be too , and I don't bounce as well as used to, I'm much more cautious when I go fishing (I stll fish the rocks but I'm a LOT MORE CAREFUL where I go, about the sea conditions, and about how I move about on the rocks. IF IN DOUBT I TURN AROUND AND GO HOME OR FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE. I have become VERY RISK ADVERSE.
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id love to know how to target jewies and snapper off the land
id love to know how to target jewies and snapper off the land

They're easy - if you can catch yellowtail there, and there's deepish water nearby and plenty structure (jewfish are ambush predators and they stalk their prey) , somewhere near a wharf, or gutter or a channel, or a bridge are always likely jew haunts.
When I'm seriously targeting jew I use the same rod and reel as above, only I swap over the spools to the one loaded up with high quality 40 lb mono (I use a 65 lb shock trace) and I up the hook size to 8/0 and 10/0s (extra strong, and I SHARPEN THE HOOKS TO RAZER SHARP), one hook for a livebait (yellowtail, chopper tailor, mullet or snall trevally) through the tail on top but not breaking the spine (8/0 or 10/0 depending on size of livebaits) or 2 x 8/0 XXS SS Suicides (top on sliding snood) if I'm using a slab / whole fillet of fish or whole squid (I catch my own squid and freeze them in individual bags just for this).
Then it's a matter of getting the bait far enough from the rocks to avoid hang ups and snags and to be found by any jew who happens to be nearby or cruising by - livebaits are best , they attract the jew by swimming on the hook and struggling and they panic if a jew is about. Dead baits rely on the smelling / tasting the bait. Dead baits - if it's not fresh enough for you to eat it , don't offer it to the jewfish.

Bigger sinkers too. (I go to 6oz and 8oz snapper leads and they have to free running !, size depends on the current and size of the bait you want to keep on the bottom.

Have fished for jew using floats (big chunks of foam) successfully too, but there are so many lobster pots around the ends of and along the breakwaters now that it's impossible to use the float method and follow the float along the walls from the cast out like we used to in the 70s and 80s.

The rest is investing time - jewfish are not as plentiful as they used to be - used to be able able to catch at least one jewy a trip, often several if the school jew came through or the jew were spawning. Now you more often go home fishless (and consider yourself lucky if you had a good run or two).

Most jewfish are lost in the first few seconds - over zealous / impatient / inexperienced fisho try to set the hook too soon and the bait gets dropped or spat out. Gotta let them run at least twice..

In summer I often fish all day for snapper, then an hour or 2 before dark I'll put water in the tank and I'll breal out the little flick stick and catch yellowtail run under my set rods (usually 2 when I'm fishing for snapper), as the sets I'll reel in the snapper gear, swap over one of the spools ,rig for jewfish, and lob out a livebait then I'll make myself comfy and wait .... and wait .... and wait , reeling in the livebait when I think its cramped up or died (usually change live baits every 30 mins or so) , been known to fish all night if I'm getting runs or even better catching the occasional jewfish.
My best nght ever I got 8 jewfish between 15 lb and 35 lb. and I had to leave them biting as I ran out of live baits and had recycled the dead livebaits as fillet baits. My best jewfish ever was a monster weighing in at 86 lb and I believe hold the record for the biggest jewfish in living memory from Nobbys Wall. (I've caught about a dozen over 60 lb there, and on Stockton Wall, and from the Dykes at Carrington and one of them came from the rocks near the Newcastle Harbour Pilot Station. ALL my biggest jew took livebaits.
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I prefer to use slimy mackerel for bait for the snapper. I find they are oily and make awesome burley and bait.

I think im going to give the soft plastics a go next.
I prefer to use slimy mackerel for bait for the snapper. I find they are oily and make awesome burley and bait.

I think im going to give the soft plastics a go next.
Hard to keep alive in a tank even if it's vigorously aerated and the water's replaced regularly. They die very quick on the hook as a livebait too.

Best used as a strip baits (bit soft) or as fillet baits. Snapper love the stuff, so does every other nibbler out there !

I know guys who use big soft plastics for jewfish - MAKES VERY HARD WORK of chasing jewfish.. My preference is a good live bait. I do however carry a few big softplastic fish shaped lures in my jewy kit but I rarely use them and I've caught one jewfish that way (on dusk when the mullet were running and being hammered by jewfish close enough for me to try it.
Probably work better from a boat where you can drift with the mullet schools and jig them.

I've always wanted to get amongst those mega-snapper I've read about for years that can be had in SA (from the rocks if you know where) and from boats. One day. BTW they should be on the bite down there now. The snapper don't really come inshore until the end of November here, next month or so it'll be wall to wall Port Jackson sharks off rocks here and expecially off the breakwalls - so even if the jew are about , the Jackos will find the bait before the jew do unless you throw the bait down the jew's mouth or it lands right infront of jew's nose..

Think I've done that once or twice !! hardly had time set the reel to freespool and to lay the rod down - I lay the rod down pointing at the water for jewfish - I believe the jew can feel the rod bending and this is enough to spook them and make them drop the bait.

Some thing's happened occasionally with snapper.

I favour fresh strips of big squid or their tenticles for snapper, strips of cuttlefish are very good too (and oily) , if I haven't these available ,it's log strips of yellowtail or yellowtail fillets. Used to use WA Blue Pilchards but you can't buy a good bag or block of pilchards now that isn't already virtually off and really only suitable for burley or for catching bait.
I know guys who use fresh whole king prawns for snapper - what a waste - too nice crumbed or butterflied and cooked in a wine and garlic sauce to feed the fish with them.

The extortonate price for bait these days - I rarely buy it now - I go and jig my own squid, or I'll buy little bag of green prawns (and keep them in an 6pack cooler with a freezer block and only drop 3 or 4 in margarine tube full of water as I need them, and take the rest of teh bag to refreeze (I'll get 5 or 6 livebaiting trips from a bag that way) and I'll keep and take home any livebaits that die on the hook and are still intact (and keep them in meat keeper if I'm planning on going fish for jew or snapper again within 2 or 3 days - starter baits (FREE !!!).
If I buy fish for bait these days it's a couple of big mullet that I will use if I have nothing else available.
if I buy bottle squid for bait (snapper) I buy it fresh from local fisherman's coop and I subdivide and fresh in lots of 20 or 30 bottle squid (enough for 2 rods for a day or two of fishing, and I thaw them in emersed in sea water and keep them cool and in the shade. Can usually tyke them back home again if you don't use them all, (same 6packcooler goes fishing with always and it's aways got 2 or 3 big freezer blocks in it - for my crib at least.

IMO the best bait is the bait you collect or catch yourself and use immediately. Makes my fishing very economical.
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I'm not keen on climbing ladders or climbing onto my roof, the front gutters are only about 10 ft off the ground which isn't too bad,but the back gutters are more like 16 ft of the ground.

Fall from either of those heights and you'd lucky to survive the sudden stop at the end of the fall. (a fall of 1 m on a hard surface can be fatal).

Maybe in hindsight, the grabbing of the gutter might have slowed me enough and saved me from a worse fate.
my own feet...i'm pretty clumsy....had a fight with a door frame, the floor, a bowl of cats water and its all been my feet.

fell out of a walnut tree
off the roof of a it wasnt moving
off a bike over the handle bars
off a fence
off a shetland pony
did i mention my feet??
Horse tho my best was out of a shopping trolly as it was bn pushed down a hill!! up side nothing broke and I didnt spill a drop of vodka! :D
My wife. She's pretty stupid at times.

Not many wives are as stupid as you think. Think about this the next time you're completing a boring messy task she can't do... is she really incapable, or is she playing you? ;)
i know a coupple of people that have fallen from heaven
Let's see

Out of the back of a ute in the main street of Adelaide while 3 sisters were "taking me home"

Out of the back of a boat 3 meters from a big salty I was taking a picture of

Scariest of all (and the most injurious) was falling for a stunning catwalk model, marrying her and discovering she was the entry to hell.

Oh and wondering why my mate had just ducked down on his haunches while we were standing up on the bed of a tray top truck. The branch swept me clean off and it was a kilometer later my mate stopped laughing enough to get them to come back for me :)
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