Active Member
Went for a month long trip to the East Gippsland area of Victoria as i do over summer every year, and also ventured a little into south coast Nsw. Found many interesting reptiles as usual and also some stunning frog species. Enjoy 
Eastern Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Eastern Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Lace Monitor (Varanus varius) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Lace Monitor (Varanus varius) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Jacky Dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Jacky Dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Gippsland Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueurii howittii) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Gippsland Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueurii howittii) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Mainland She-Oak Skink (Cyclodomorphus michaeli) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Yellow-Bellied Water Skink (Eulamprus heatwolei) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Black Rock Skink (Egernia saxatilis) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Black Rock Skink (Egernia saxatilis) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Eastern Blue Tongue (Tiliqua scincoides scincoides) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Peron's Tree Frog (Litoria peroni) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Peron's Tree Frog (Litoria peroni) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Lesueur's Tree Frog (Litoria lesueuri) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Lesueur's Tree Frog (Litoria lesueuri) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Lesueur's Tree Frog (Litoria lesueuri) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Lesueur's Tree Frog (LitoriaLeafgreen6 lesueuri) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Leaf-Green Tree Frog (Litoria nudidigita) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Leaf-Green Tree Frog (Litoria nudidigita) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Leaf-Green Tree Frog (Litoria nudidigita) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Southern Brown Tree Frog (Litoria ewingi) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Blue Mountains Tree Frog (Litoria citropa) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Blue Mountains Tree Frog (Litoria citropa) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Green&Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Green&Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Eastern Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Eastern Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Red-Bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Lace Monitor (Varanus varius) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Lace Monitor (Varanus varius) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Jacky Dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Jacky Dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Gippsland Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueurii howittii) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Gippsland Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueurii howittii) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Mainland She-Oak Skink (Cyclodomorphus michaeli) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Yellow-Bellied Water Skink (Eulamprus heatwolei) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Black Rock Skink (Egernia saxatilis) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Black Rock Skink (Egernia saxatilis) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Eastern Blue Tongue (Tiliqua scincoides scincoides) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Peron's Tree Frog (Litoria peroni) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Peron's Tree Frog (Litoria peroni) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Lesueur's Tree Frog (Litoria lesueuri) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Lesueur's Tree Frog (Litoria lesueuri) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Lesueur's Tree Frog (Litoria lesueuri) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Lesueur's Tree Frog (LitoriaLeafgreen6 lesueuri) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Leaf-Green Tree Frog (Litoria nudidigita) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Leaf-Green Tree Frog (Litoria nudidigita) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Leaf-Green Tree Frog (Litoria nudidigita) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Southern Brown Tree Frog (Litoria ewingi) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Blue Mountains Tree Frog (Litoria citropa) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Blue Mountains Tree Frog (Litoria citropa) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Green&Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr

Green&Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) by Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
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