Egg Colour

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Hey Guys

I have a gecko egg at the moment, and when a candle the egg its a pinky/orange colour with these like red blood vessels (not sure if they are blood vessels). It has a dimple on the top don't know if that means anything. I wanted to know if that means its a good egg or not.

Any help would be appreciated :)
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O cool, dose that mean its alive? Its a Marbled Gecko egg.
O cool, dose that mean its alive? Its a Marbled Gecko egg.

All it means is that it was alive and developing at one point.
As this species lays hard shelled eggs then the dimple should not matter, if it was a soft-shelled egg then it would be a sign of dehydration.
You said it 'was' alive and developing at one point. so I'm a bit confused if its dead or not. So its alive?
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Veins in the egg, means the egg is fertile (alive), but the egg could always die during incubation.
Now I get it, its had the veins in it for quite some time, and I can see a dark shadow of the baby lizard. So hoping it hatches (I've had it for nearly a month).
I don't know a whole lot about reptile egg incubation, but based on what's been said, I'd guess you'll have to continue incubating the egg and note if there's any further development. No one was saying the egg was dead haha, what they were stating was that veins indicate the beginning stages of a developing baby. This doesn't prove whether or not the egg is currently alive, only that it was alive to begin with. Keep incubating and see what happens :)
Thanks Skippii, I will keep on incubating it and see what happens. How long would it take to hatch if its alive? (If you know).
I've only ever incubated chooky eggs, I'd imagine the development duration would vary quite a bit between chickens and geckos lol you'll have to either google it, or wait for someone with gecko-specific experience :p sorry
Update: this egg still hasn't hatched yet, is this normal it's been over 2 months. It's at room temp so I don't know if that takes longer to hatch.
No it's not, I've read on the net that room temp is fine. Is it?
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different species, but my gecko eggs generally take about 73 days,....dont throw anything out that isnt definately dead/stinky.

someone posted somewhere else the other day that their eggs at room temp took almost 4 months, and got healthy hatchies.
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