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Need a lot more detail before anyone can suggest anything. You will need to tell us what age it is , what it is kept in , how long you have had it , what you are trying to feed it , what has it eaten before , how long between feeds and what temperatures you have for it for a start.
Before anyone can help you, you need to tick of the checklist that you need to tell people.
How old is it?
What are the temps?
What is the animal kept in?
Does it get handled?
Was it feeding before etc
Well about 2+ years i gathered from what the previous owner said, a custom cage(i think), roughly 1/2 m(L) x 1m (h) x 1m (w)
had it for 5 days... Weaner mice, and it has eaten weaners b4, the previous owner described him as "a pig"
temp as in the cage or food?
Well, for starters the weather is getting cool. Most adult antaresias have stopped eating. Did the breeder tell you that?
If he is 2 plus years he may be going into brumation. Also if you have only had it for 5 days it may need a week or two to settle in. When was the last time he was fed? The temperatures are of the enclosure , hot end and cold end.
At that age it should be on large adult mice not weaners for a start, Now at that age it is an adult in the Antaresia world and as an adult it reads the seasonal changes far better than the keeper does and will switch off eating at this time of the year no matter how hot it is kept. As long as it is healthy there is nothing to worry about, just leave it be.
That's really good 2 know, thanks and what do u mean by the last part, Nic?
Brumation is where a reptile slows its system basically during the cold months and either will not eat or eat very little if that is what you were asking about or if you were asking about the enclosure temperatures there needs to be a hot basking area at one end of the enclosure that is hotter than what your snake requires and a cool end a little cooler than your snake requires so your snake can move from end to end and regulate its own temperature, this is called thermoregulation.
Our childreni is about 19 months old and has stopped eating, we assume its because of winter. however is it normal for them to stop eating under 2 years of age, he is a pretty small snake, good condition tho so not really worried just curious.
My 6 month old stimsons has also gone off his food and he has always been a pig so I think he might be sensing the change in temps and Doesent want too eat IMO I think yours might be the same :)
My 6 month old stimsons has also gone off his food and he has always been a pig so I think he might be sensing the change in temps and Doesent want too eat IMO I think yours might be the same :)
If your husbandry is right a juvie ant will eat right through its first winter, Its when they reach from about 16 months onward they will start to refuse because of seasonal change.
nicely said.... :)
how will i ultimately know when, may i ask?
Offering a feed about mid September when the spring days are starting to get a little longer and the temps are climbing.
He is still eating but has cut right back too one Weaner mice every 2/3 weeks
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