Serious problem, I think

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Fall guys

Very Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2017
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so I just heard a great big thump in my room and I was like wtf was that, and I looked at coastal python and found he fell off his log,

(what he does is wrap around the lamp cage completely then tries to get off that back onto his log, and he gets about 20% onto his log before falling off and smacking into the other enclosure furnishing)

I mean I know they are tough, but he fell the whole way and his tail was turned around I thought he was dead, he was just sitting there not doing anything so I opened up the cage and he went into his circles up position completely covering his head (his tail fixed itself)

and now I'm worried and not really sure what to do besides making a platform for him, but then that would make his bottom not a good heat gradient :( I also think he's going into shed any time soon (his bottom also light milky colour)
There pretty tough, make sure you can't feel anything bizarre down his back and that he has complete movement/sensitivity all the way down to his tail tip
Maybe put more solid branches in so he can drape across them rather than just trying to get onto one as he gets down

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There pretty tough, make sure you can't feel anything bizarre down his back and that he has complete movement/sensitivity all the way down to his tail tip
Maybe put more solid branches in so he can drape across them rather than just trying to get onto one as he gets down

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I would but I don't want to while he's in pre slough I watched him go back on the log just fine, and almost did the same thing.. (you'd think they'd learn) (btw I meant branch when I say log I just realised :p ) but I will definitely add another branch
Ok is he grabbing on fine with his tail?

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Put up a picture of its enclosure.
It looks fine in the pics.

But something to consider is that, if it is wrapping itself around the lamp cage then it's a sign that it's unable to evenly expose enough of it's body to reach a comfortable body temperature at the basking spot provided. This may be because the log (branch) is in a near vertical position. I can't see it in the pics but depending on the distance between the branch and lamp it may also be providing easy access for it to climb and wrap around the lamp. Maybe try and secure it horizontally across the enclosure below the lamp at a height which provides a basking temp of around 35deg C and see how that goes.
George has a point but the first thing I thought of was it isn't hot enough,why else would he be wrapping around the light ?
Our coastal has 2 heat lights 1x100W & 1x75W in a 4x4x2 but she also has 2 branches , 1 of which has a fork in it so she has somewhere to sit under the light
George has a point but the first thing I thought of was it isn't hot enough,why else would he be wrapping around the light ?
Our coastal has 2 heat lights 1x100W & 1x75W in a 4x4x2 but she also has 2 branches , 1 of which has a fork in it so she has somewhere to sit under the light
I don't think temperature is a problem, the thermometer is reading 30~ and that's further away from the lamp then the branch itself (it's on back wall in line with che where branch is in front of che)

I'm either going to get a long forked branch or add another diagonal branch so he can stretch out across the 2 instead of all balled up on one

Just for peace of mind I will take him to vets anyway

His tail is definitely lost grip and I'm super worried , what is the go with transporting snakes to vets? Can u use tubs?

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Mate, the way you've got that branch set up at the moment is useless and the thermometer on the back wall is only recording the ambient temperature of the enclosure NOT the basking spot. I'd also get rid of that piece of branch in the bottom of the above photo because if it hasn't injured itself through falling and impacting with those short sharp pieces already then it will for sure in the long term.
I don't think temperature is a problem, the thermometer is reading 30~ and that's further away from the lamp then the branch itself (it's on back wall in line with che where branch is in front of che)

I'm either going to get a long forked branch or add another diagonal branch so he can stretch out across the 2 instead of all balled up on one

Just for peace of mind I will take him to vets anyway

His tail is definitely lost grip and I'm super worried , what is the go with transporting snakes to vets? Can u use tubs?

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you should get both branches,not just 1 so he can spread out over them both.You should put him in a bag/pillowslip and then in a tub/plastic box go the vets
Mate, the way you've got that branch set up at the moment is useless and the thermometer on the back wall is only recording the ambient temperature of the enclosure NOT the basking spot. I'd also get rid of that piece of branch in the bottom of the above photo because if it hasn't injured itself through falling and impacting with those short sharp pieces already then it will for sure in the long term.

I added that in there so he had something familiar from his old enclosure, he spent a week just sitting on/ underneath it, they aren't "sharp" they are blunt and rounded off but yes it will be going to my new snakes medium enclosure

And I think I didn't explain the thermometer properly, the branch is about 10 cm from the che and cage (close to the door) and the thermometer is sitting on the back wall at the same height as the branch about 20~cm away reading 30°~on that back corner soooo science comes in and the branch would obviously be warmer and sits about 2° Higher than the thermometer (I tested it before setting him up) if I had room to put the thermometer there I would, but just to make u happy I'll go get a probe one and sit it on his branch
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I added that in there so he had something familiar from his old enclosure, he spent a week just sitting on/ underneath it, they aren't "sharp" they are blunt and rounded off but yes it will be going to my new snakes medium enclosure

And I think I didn't explain the thermometer properly, the branch is about 10 cm from the che and cage (close to the door) and the thermometer is sitting on the back wall at the same height as the branch about 20~cm away reading 30°~on that back corner soooo science comes in and the branch would obviously be warmer and sits about 2° Higher than the thermometer (I tested it before setting him up) if I had room to put the thermometer there I would, but just to make u happy I'll go get a probe one and sit it on his branch
Don't worry about making us happy,make your snake happy
I'd recommend getting an infrared heat gun if you don't have one already. They are far more accurate than thermostat probes, and you can get a temp read on everything in the tank including the snake :)

I agree that looking into getting a forked branch is best, I switched to one of those after my Jungle kept wrapping the light, now he can soak up the heat much more easily and doesn't stretch for the light anymore.
Just ensure that whatever you put in his tank is very secure, especially large items. Give it a tug in every direction to ensure it won't fall and if need be you can use more sticks to secure it.
Forked branches are great, hope your snake will be okay. My Murray Darling was always wrapping himself around light cages and falling off, he had forked branches, plenty of heat, but just liked to climb to the top and explore. Happened at night, used to wake me up with a thud. Clumsy bugga.
you should get both branches,not just 1 so he can spread out over them both.You should put him in a bag/pillowslip and then in a tub/plastic box go the vets

Are snakes allowed on public transport if wrapped up and in a box?
And don't tell anyone.......
for'd have to keep it on the QT,if anyone found out they would dob you in to the authorities.I don't know how they expect people to go to the vets without personal transport but you could get in heaps of trouble on public transport.
for'd have to keep it on the QT,if anyone found out they would dob you in to the authorities.I don't know how they expect people to go to the vets without personal transport but you could get in heaps of trouble on public transport.
Geez that's Annoying, it's only 8minutes train to the vets canley vAle

I've seen many large dogs that aren't "helper" dogs
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