RAIN!! Beautiful Rain!!!

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2003
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Up the Ral Ral Creek. S.A.
SA is getting a fair bit of rain which is fairly widespread today.! Nothing really heavy, but we have had nearly 6mls today. Great for our gardens and also the grape and fruit tree blocks I guess. Just means the blockies probably won't have to use irrigation for a while hopefully, as they are looking at zero allocation for their crops come the 1st of July. I just hope that some of the catchment areas over in Vic, NSW and QLD get some decent falls of rain and help fill up some of the major dams and reservoirs eh? Cheers Cheryl
We've ordered another Rainwater Tank from Bushman's Tanks, but it is going to take 5mths for it to get here worse luck. The one we have always runs over, grrrr!!! Just goes into the ground. It will be nice to have another tank so the overflow goes into it.
Five months!!! Hopefully this means that everyone is installing rainwater tanks! We have been getting masses of rain-beautiful-rain here for the past few days. I love it too. It sounds wonderful on my roof :D
Yep, sounds like everyone is installing rainwater tanks here in SA. There is a $800 rebate from the Govt. if you plumb them into your house. But we've had rainwater tanks in SA country areas for years and years!! Our bad luck is that most aren't plumbed into houses except for drinking water. A lot of council/shire areas have not let people put rainwater tanks in their yards because they were supposed to look ugly?? And this is not in SA, but Vic(Benalla for instance), NSW, and maybe in other places? For heaven sake. Australia is a very dry continent. What is wrong with the government and local governments??? Its about time they all woke up to themselves??? Cheers Cheryl
on the 3pm news this afternoon they reported 12 hours of solid non stop rain here in adelaide!!! its been good!!!

and its still going!
Isn't it great!!! We need a lot more though. We will most likely end up on 60% restrictions - same as last year. It will be a real struggle for a lot of people just on that, let alone 0%!!!

Yep its nice isn't it Jozz. I know u are not too far away from me hun. But the rain is really needed up in the catchment areas to fill up the dams and reservoirs that help fill up the Murray River. Local rain is very good also, as it saves the local blockies from having to use irrigation water.
And I'm not even complaining about my dog pooey, muddy backyard...cause I know how much we need it.
Just went and checked my Rain Gauge. It is now up to 10ml. Is that about an inch in the old measurements? My garden's mulch of hay from our last years crop is sprouting flat out. I really don't mind, as I just pull out the sprouts and leave em in the garden as more mulch. Cheers Cheryl
:eek: Only just started to rain here hopefully we can get at least 5 ml keep pushing the rain along we all need it.
A lot of council/shire areas have not let people put rainwater tanks in their yards because they were supposed to look ugly?? And this is not in SA, but Vic(Benalla for instance), NSW, and maybe in other places?

One of my neighbours completely renovated their house in Sydney about 5 years ago. Because their backyard is on a slope, he wanted to install a rainwater tank and have it gravity feed irrigate the gardens - just to save water. The tank wouldn't be seen from the road, or even the neighbour's houses. But the council said No, they weren't in keeping with the regulations for an urban environment. So he renovated without the tank. That was just before the water restrictions came in.

Now, it's mandatory that all new houses in NSW have a rainwater tank.

Councils suck.


Thats just crazy! We had 21.5mm here! Better than nothing. Yep Cheryl, the catchment area is where we need it. A flood would be awsome to see!!! I just don't want to get started - someone blow up cubby dam!!! I heard a rumour a couple of months ago that they were given permission by the govournment to extend the height of the dam wall!? I really hope thats not true!
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