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Not so new Member
Mar 30, 2008
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Melbourne, Victoria
Hey all,

My girlfriend has an enclosure that used to keep a bearded dragon in there and we have decided we want to get a snake...

We have been doing a bit of research and want a snake thats the 1 metre mark but want one with nice colour or patterns (not browns or blacks)

Childrens pythons,Stimsons python,Spotted python are around the 1 metre mark but which one has the best colouring?. We like the GTP but we read they give a bad odor when handling?.

My question is what snake do you guys recommend we can get that meets that standard??

Your feedback will be greatly appreciaited

Beben - I prefer the patterning of Stimsons pythons but it is variable - animals from different areas have different colouration...

Seeing the parents of a hatchling can help in getting some idea as to what the animal may look like when it grows...
Yeah thanks for the link. What snake do you recommend for great colour and friendly for a 1st buyer???

We wouldnt mind getting something longer as long as its thin girth like a green tree snake, but definetly not thick
If you're looking at getting a green tree PYTHON they're quite expensive.
Green tree SNAKES are quite different and probably not a good beginner snake in my opinion.

If you're prepared for a big snake in the long run, I'd say get a bredli (eg: as they can come in some beautiful deep red, rich colours.

Then again some childrens pythons are beautiful too. Ah what the heck. Go for whatever takes your fancy.
i'm not the best person to talk to about first snakes as i only just got mine lol. i just know that website was useful to be. i just got a baby diamond python. if u get one as a baby it takes a fair while for them to get big. also the thick girth comes with age from what i've seen. so i cant really say wat would be a good first snake. i was told to just go for what ever i liked. lol and i've chosen the hardest one to keep, but i love my little guy now and so far he has been great.
yeah its a hard choice,

i want one thats thin not thick and colourful :p

whats colours does childrens, spotted or stimpsons come in??
I love the black and gold jungle carpets, how long and thick do they grow?

i also like the georgetown stimpson childrens python too.

What a wooma's like in length?
we like the thin looking ones better over the big thick snakes...Plus easier for my girlfriend to handle the snake
lol ya picking all the hard to care for snakes that are really expensive (GTP $6,000 +and woma$800+) jungles aren't a bad idea but they are snappy when they are young and ya got to be willing to take a few bites. they are a medium size snake (my fav snake i 2 of them that i love to death). stimsons can have some pretty nice colour variations. just look at the parents and you will get a rough idea what ya end up with.
WOW 6K+ for a GTP???? Thats def out of the question and wooma's too then lol.. How harsh is the bite on a B & G Carpet?

so my best options then are the black and gold carpets or the georgetown stimpson childrens python then....

Am i missing out any others that are thin, good colours and easy to handle. I'm willing to spen no more then 1k on a snake???
i got a broome stimo beautiful patterns shes a bit fiesty but meh

also got a bhp and couldnt recommend them enough, they can put on a big show (hissing) and get a fair size
but the beautiful thing is if there pissed off they headbutt :)

i think the attitude you find in bhps is one of a kind, eg at the expo today i saw a guy with all different snakes on display... everything was curled up and hiding except every one of his maybe 5 bhps which were all exploring the small box they were in :) i open the lid of my tub and if hes up he tends to climb out :) dont even handle him much i just let him explore!

i wouldnt imagine jungle bites hurting anymore than any other carpets there size, but they have a reputation for biting alot :)

and bhps range between 600 - 2000+ depending on the patterns etc

BHP look beautiful but grow too big for my liking and i read that they grow as thick as a man's upper arm LOL...

Looks like im going to have to go for a stimpson or a B & G Jungle Carpet.

Is there any other that are thin, good colours and easy to handle. I'm willing to spen no more then 1k on a snake???
BHP look beautiful but grow too big for my liking and i read that they grow as thick as a man's upper arm LOL...

Looks like im going to have to go for a stimpson or a B & G Jungle Carpet.

Is there any other that are thin, good colours and easy to handle. I'm willing to spen no more then 1k on a snake???

No thin Pythons mate, not as thin as a GTS. The smallest is a stimmie, just gets bigger from there. Stick with Spotted, Childrens or Stimmie if you want small. If you want good, any python would do but just make sure you chose a Jungle wisely as they are not regarded 'beginners' snakes' but that not to say they haven't been people's first.
ok thanks for that info :p... with jungle's how hard are they to handle and whats the overall length and girth on a adult jungle???
For hardiness, friendliness, and just being generally laid back, you can't go past the Inland Carpet Python. (Murray Darling) They are easy to look after, have great temperaments, and colour up beautifully! They are a decent priced breed too. We have had two for 18 months now, the things we have been able to do with them, being so placid, are things we have read should never happen without the risk of being bitten!!!! (They're either placid or dopey!!! LOL!)
Trouble is, they reach up to 3 metres, which is a bit longer than you were looking for
I've seen threads on here with great coloured stimies, spotteds etc... Considering you want a smallish snake and good colours you'll just have to look around for someone who has a good breeding history.. Our spotteds at home are great little snakes they aren't as greatly coloured as others i've seen but they've never bitten and they are the size you're looking for. :)

Not sure if that helps at all but just my view.
-Kirsty :)
Thanks all for all the feedback. I'm going to a couple of shop on the weekend to check them out :p

I will keep you all posted
for somethinf that is gonna give you a goot colour it will grow over 1 meter long you could get a bredli or a black headed python but that is getting a bit pricey or a hypo bredli there nice to
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