Flaviemys purvisi
Very Well-Known Member
Hi all, it has been a sleepless night for me as the much anticipated laying of this season's clutch of Manning River turtle eggs finally happened. November 14th is officially now the latest my Wollumbinia purvisi eggs have ever been laid in the last decade and that is solely due to the unnaturally cool spring we have had thus far. Normally my purvis eggs arrive between October 15th - 26th with the previous latest date being November 2nd in 2018. Purvis are diurnal and their nesting normally takes place in the daylight hours however last night was hot and still, (pre storm type conditions) and she was noticeably restless in her aquarium so I took a chance at putting her in the nesting pit at approximately 10 minutes to 6pm, just as the last light was fading and because she was almost 3 weeks later than normal, I figured there's a chance this will happen now... within 40 minutes she had begun to excavate her nest chamber.
10 little eggs in total were deposited, retrieved, cleaned and placed into my incubator. Within 24 - 48 hours I shall know how many are fertile and developing. Those that are will be due to hatch on January 2nd, 2023.
Possibly the only captive bred Manning River turtles in Australia for this season.

Now... we wait.

10 little eggs in total were deposited, retrieved, cleaned and placed into my incubator. Within 24 - 48 hours I shall know how many are fertile and developing. Those that are will be due to hatch on January 2nd, 2023.
Possibly the only captive bred Manning River turtles in Australia for this season.

Now... we wait.