A bit sad !!!!

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Cement, why are you even going near the chit chat to read about tats or video games if you don't like those threads?

Because i am lost , lonely and don't have a meaningful life.
thank you Alek, i agree maybe the pics were a bit full on for some, but my first thought was if someone can learn from this, im doing the right thing... it was a nightmare for me mate.. i went with the advice of the most experienced herper i knew.. this was not my first eggbound snake, i dealt with a friends last year with great sucsess.. my desicion to try & save some off the eggs, may have been wrong but when you are faced with losing mother & eggs you have to make a decition one way or the other.. but being made feel like a total failer is not going to help... all ppl learnt from that is 'if i make a mistake.. i just want tell anyone' who learns from that? no-one that who...

The thing I find curious about your thread, AM Pythons, is that you have not explained why you didn't take the animal to the vet in the first place.

1. There is more than one reptile competent vet at Sugarloaf Animal Hospital, so they would have told you over the phone that the situation was not urgent, and made a time to suit.
2. Eggs recovered following Dystocia are never viable
3. The procedure for removal of eggs, either by massage or surgery, is a specialist process, not to be undertaken on a dirty laundry (?) floor by someone without experience.
4. At the first sign of difficulty, you should have stopped and sought professional help
5. The amount of blood and the gut of the animal hanging out following your 'procedure' defies your comment that 'not much force was used'.
6. At no time were you EVER justified to intervene in the manner you did
7. It is a bizarre notion that by posting those disgusting photos, you may actually be providing anything useful for fellow herpers.

I'll be blunt about this, because you PMd me and mentioned something about people in glass houses, and referred to a 'number of people' PMing you about my 'mite collection'. I doubt very much whether we know 'a number of people' in common... Regardless of your bleatings about caring for your animals, the fact is that your beautiful Jungle Python died because of your inept intervention, in a situation where you should have sought professional asistance. You intervened because you wanted to salvage the eggs, and as a consequence, the female died a horrible death, and the eggs you recovered will die as well. I can see from you comment that you offered her a rat after the procedure, and were surprised that she didn't eat it, because such reluctance was uncharacteristic for that animal... just what planet have you come from? Since when would a dying snake with its guts hanging out be interested in a rat?

You haven't explained why you didn't seek veterinary intervention at the outset, and you comments about taking the advice of others is simply blame-shifting. Please don't PM me again telling me about what other people have been telling you about me or my animals - like everybody who keeps livestock, I'm under pressure sometimes, but faced with a situation like yours, I would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER take the course of action you did.

In fact, you weren't faced with losing the mother and the eggs - as I said somehere else, dystocia is rarely an urgent problem for snakes - you could easily have waited for however long it took to get professional help, days or even a week or two if need be. A vet could have told you that over the phone.

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Can you tell us what you have learnt from your experience?

yer mate i can.... 'say nothing & that you have never had a problem with an animal in your life'... & why would i now Jamie? you dont deserve an explanation...
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yer mate i can.... 'say nothing & that you have never had a problem with an animal in your life'... & why would i now Jamie? you dont deserve an explanation...

I don't think Jamie is the only one that would like to hear your explanation...
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its funny how a thread about the crap in this site turns to crap
yer mate i can.... 'say nothing & that you have never had a problem with an animal in your life'... & why would i now Jamie? you dont deserve an explanation...

Dismount from your exceptionally high horse.

'Where you have live animals you have dead animals' i think the saying goes, every person who keeps livestock will suffer loses for various reasons. The way your jungle suffered at your hands can NEVER be justified though.
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We went through the lists [members] last night and found 32 but its probably a lot more than that. Experienced herpers who haven't been on this site for a fair while and the general consensus of opinion is this is a "herp" forum/site which is great but in recent months it appears to be dominated by dog / cat / fish and other animal threads/posts while a lot of people might think this is good this site "appears" to have lost a lot of very experienced herpers which l believe is/was the basis of this site and which is obvious in some of the answers/replies in the help section.....solar 17 [Baden]
You went through the member list? Thats really sad.
I introduced someone who was willing to contribute to the site with a wealth of knowledge about "beginner" snakes and didn't have a bad bone in her body. There was a thread months ago about someone keeping a snake in less than favourable conditions, she got upset, posted, and was suspended despite someone posting something almost identical (but with more name calling.) She's made it clear what she thinks about some of the members and moderation on this site.

We punish people for giving blunt truths that could save an animal's life, and encourage stupidity like "why is feeding cheese to my snake bad???" threads. We all went through phases of amateurish glee, and posted stupid things, but (the majority) grew up. I choose to stay away from herp chat now, simply because any input I give is mocked by other members, regardless of circumstance or authenticity.
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People whinge that the forum is going downhill, that all the experienced people have left....

BUT, people have been saying that for years. Nothing has really changed, yes there is a LOT of rubbish threads, a lot of stupid people giving stupid advice but there is occasionally some very informative threads, some helpful people, some excellent keepers and herpers.

It seems the same as it was 5 years ago, people usually look back and only remember the good stuff, if you do a search of old threads, you will find lots of rubbish too. People come, people go. There is always a lot of crap, but there is always good stuff mixed in, just ignore stuff if you don't like it.

I am a reader these days because a lot of people post stuff that makes me want to post a reply, but being a guest stops me having to waste my time looking like an idiot arguing over the internet over petty things or because someone said something moronic or because I am in a bad mood.

Peace ☮.
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I've said for a long long time now, that virtually every single topic has been covered at least 5 times over! Reptile keeping is not rocket-science, like some on here would like people to believe! Use the search feature and stop delisting the same old questions over and over and over again ;) :lol:

If it wasn't for the Chit Chat threads, the photo threads and the plenty of people on here who I've met and enjoyed the company of over the years I wouldn't bother being here! APS to me has always been a bit of slap, giggle and tickle... It's a social site for like-minded people IMHO, and in all honesty, what's wrong with it being simply that?
thanks for all the input.. I personally feel that this thread should be now closed. some will agree other wont.. Im sorry but I feel a lot of things have been gotten off people's chests now and the best thing for the site would be to close it and move on..

rather than all of complain about the site, the threads, arguing all the time, putting people down etc etc.. can we all please try to get along? can we all try to make the site a better place for all of us to enjoy? we're all here because of our love and interest in reptiles.. lets get back on track and try and contribute something positive on here.. and try and leave the fighting and negative stuff behind us..

one last thing.. the moderators on here do our best.. we make mistakes the same as everyone. but its a damn hard job and we are up against a mountain of threads and posts every day.. it would really help if people tried to stick to the site rules so we have less decisions to make and less moderating to do.. I think that would suit us all..

thanks guys.. best regards
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