A bite pic with abit of a difference

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LOL! Wow she sounds crazy. I've never had a response that strong before. Definitely wouldn't be breeding any more from that line. Just try to keep the girly screams to a minimum and don't let her smell your fear...
LOL! Wow she sounds crazy. I've never had a response that strong before. Definitely wouldn't be breeding any more from that line. Just try to keep the girly screams to a minimum and don't let her smell your fear...

Haha....125kg guy bested by an angry female rat.....oh the shame
thats a wikid rat bite,
i breed a fair amount of rats and rarely even get a nibble from the mums..
maybe they know what will happen if they do, but i can push them out of the way and do what i like with the babies..
but if you get a mum that bites, brick her, it's not always passed on to the kids, so keep 1 to replace her..
agree python over rats or mice anyday..

girly scream do impower rodents to attack....lol
thats a wikid rat bite,
i breed a fair amount of rats and rarely even get a nibble from the mums..
maybe they know what will happen if they do, but i can push them out of the way and do what i like with the babies..
but if you get a mum that bites, brick her, it's not always passed on to the kids, so keep 1 to replace her..

there is a brick with her name on it !!! The male is very friendly and i have actually grown a bit fond of it i hate to say.

agree python over rats or mice anyday..

girly scream do impower rodents to attack....lol

Me too...hahaha Girly scream.....i will hold it back next time and not give them the satisfaction
My kids pet rat bit me and it hurt like hell. It bit me on the webbing, meaty bit between thumb and index finger (if that makes sense). It gushed blood for ages, then swelled up and got really itchy. Needless to say it went to rattie heaven (thanks to my hubby). I just couldn't risk it biting the kids.
Well I have had dealing with rats in the past but this took me completely by surprise.

As for all the blood I have been told that if a would causes a lot of skin trauma the body produces more clotting agents which stops the bleeding but if it is a clean cut which does not damage then less clotting agents are produced and more bleeding results.

like when you scratch yourself on barbed wire it clots quickly and stops bleeding but a shaving cut bleeds and bleeds because it is such a clean cut. both the same sized cut but a big difference.

Anyhow what I am waffling about is rat teeth must be so sharp.

P.s I don't know if the above is true....it was explained to me by a bowhunter who was saying why his arrows have to be so sharp.
Anyhow what I am waffling about is rat teeth must be so sharp.

You're not waffling they are sharper than b.l..oo..dy scalpels :p and wielded with wicked precision...LOL

Sandee :)
while on the topic of rats how long is a breeding male good for and haw long does a rat live anyway????
:lol: Wouldn't their longevity be dependent upon whether or no they bit the hand that feeds them?
Lol yeah in your case Guzzo I'd guess a couple of days :p
Females can breed for six months to a year depending how hard she is bred. Theoretically males could go their whole lives. They are meant to only live about 18 months to two years though from what I've read
Ah thanks....yeah her days are numbered. My biggest Darwin has just shed last night. I had to buy him a rat tonight as all mine are too small but his next feed will be the Mother.
while on the topic of rats how long is a breeding male good for and haw long does a rat live anyway????

IMHO...For maximum/peak production: males = 6 months/ females 12 months, Short life span 2-3 yrs. for pet rats...

(my poor buggas don't last that long :)

Of course they will breed anytime you put em together :) The older they are the less productive they are.
IMHO...For maximum/peak production: males = 6 months/ females 12 months, Short life span 2-3 yrs. for pet rats...

(my poor buggas don't last that long :)

Of course they will breed anytime you put em together :) The older they are the less productive they are.

OK thanks for that info,

it is a funny thing and despite being mauled to the point of near death......I find that in keeping snakes I really enjoy the rodent breeding bit a heap.
I like the ratties too...confusing isn't it ?

They really are the best of mothers = cleaning feeding and taking care of our snakefood...LOL

Sandee :)
Well with perhaps the exception of the one that got me i really don't enjoy killing them. But when i have a freezer full of pet food I have bread it is a funny sense of satisfaction.
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