A few questions...

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Not so new Member
Feb 6, 2009
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hey guys
i have a nearly 4 month old stimmi hatchling and was wondering...

1. When do you uprade their food size? it is on pinkies and they seem fine, but im wondering is there a particular age they should upgrade or is it by size? what size would that be?

2. How large are your antaresia when you let them roam free... like id love to take Evra outside and let it slither around the place, but im scared of losing it or it slipping out of sight in the grass... im thinking of getting a little pot plant for it it be on... any suggestions?

You can upgrade their feed when you think they are big enough to take it, it's a size thing not an age thing. Taking it outside you can do whenever, just keep a very close eye on it and look around for birds too, but remember, you could easily stress your little stimmy by doing this and could lead to more trouble in the future.
As Mudimans suggested,its the snake in general, when you think its able to go up to the next food size without too much trouble,remember they can eat alot bigger than you expect.As long as it leaves a noticeable lump,you should be fine....One thing taking any reptiles outside,it doesnt take long b4 their gone,you only have to look away for a few seconds,thats all it can take,especially Antaresia babys as their so small....
yeah if you want it to climb around then get a pot plant in the house and let it go on that, my spotted is eating Fuzzy Mice and it is about 4 months old and 30cm long but it depends on the snake
If you take your snake outside ALWAYS keep a very close eye on it. magpies, kookaburras etc would love a snake snack.
Also just because they dont move quickly it dosn't mean they dont disapear quickly. a small snake can completely disapear in a few centimetres or grass.
food size is really at your discretion when you think its time give it a go and keep an eye on him.

as for letting them roam outside. i used to but i stopped letting my snakes roam almost lost one.

i blinked liturally i just blinked and my jungle had dissapeared fortunantly the missus still had a bead on him but i couldnt see him at all.

and another time i almost lost my old 8 ft centralian to a couple of magpies that didnt want him around fortunantly i was near him so they didnt come in to close but they really wanted to they were swooping at him and hopping up really close, and what made it worse was he was really riled up by this point and having all that free space i couldnt get to him to get him back in his enclosure till hed calmed down enough to let me get close.

ive also heard your snakes can get mites from letting them roam outside dont know if its true or not.

but imo your shouldnt let em roam anywere jmo tho
personally i judge it, by how long it takes the snake to eat its food... if it finishes quickly you can move up a size and equally if it takes forever you should go back down a size...
as far as free roaming goes you need to feel comfortable with the snake and confident that it will remain calm when you place it on the ground...
They generally become more confident and relaxed when they get closer to becoming an adult...
hope this helps
thanks for the replies guys
they're very helpful

i started increasing my childreni's food supply from 1 pinky mice to 2.... only cuz i still got a few pinkies left in the freezer...

but yea i started noticing the lump in his belly after he has a pinky mice was starting to disappear, so i figured it was time to increase the quantity....

fuzzies next ;-)

hope that helps
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