a little out of the ordinary..help!

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Active Member
May 10, 2009
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Bunbury WA
my litle python is about 4 to 4.5 months old and is a very placid girl who eats well and has had a perfect shed since ive had her (about two n a half months ish). but in between her last two feeds she hasnt done a poo... so its been about 2 and a half, nearly three weeks since she passed anything, temps are fine..
she is usually perched up on her branch at the warm end of her tank, or in her hide. i have never seen her down the cool end. but in the last hour or so she has moved right down to the far corner in the cool end of her tank and is curled up with some of her body pressed up against the glass... is this bad? it just seems a little out of the ordinary for her thats all...
i tend to leave her alone for about 3 days after she eats or at least untill her bump goes away, and its been hard to get a good look at her but it did look as tho she may still have a bit of a lump still, and she was fed on sat, the normal sized meal that she has had every other time.
and also one more thing, when we bought her the man at the reptile shop (thats where we bought her equipment from, we bought ursula from a breeder) just gave us a red light to use and told us to leave it on all the time, to keep the temp constant which i have done... but do we need a UV light as well?

sorry for the novel, but i worry...a lot....
any help would be appreciated so much.
a UV light no.
pressing up against hte glass isnt out of the ordinary
whats the current cool/hot end temps?
id just wait until she passes her feed before you feed again.
nothing out of the ordinary though
mine spends a lot of time at the cool end of her enclosure i think shes just trying to burmate do you use a heat mat aswell as a light? and if there is any swelling near her rear end a warm bath may help her to poop
hot end gets to about 32 at night and up to 35 during the day, cool end 22-24... its just the first time ive seen her do it thats all, gave me a bit of a shock! she isnt plastered up against it or anything just a bit of her is pressed up.she looks pretty comfy tho. and i wont feed her again till she poos. no i just use a light spyda, have done ever since we got her... i guess being new to this im going to freak out a little whenever she does anything new or a bit different
Nah a luke warm bath would be great. Maybe even a little massage on her belly. By sticking your finger in a little bit while she slitheres out of your hands. Can you post any pics if her tummy or near the back end of her ( about 1cm to about 4cm from her vent).
so on the topic of brumation? whats that all about? i mean i did a fair amoubnt of research before getting my girl but didnt even think of brumation. is that the same as hibernation? she is a southwest coastal python (well thats what we were told anyhow). i kind of figured everything would slow down during the cooler months in regard to her feeding and such... is there anything in particular i should be doing?
wow.....feeling like a *******
ohi was wrong about the swelling, she has moved a bit and it seems to be gone, it was the way she was curled up i think
i think that a warm bath would help but a play out on the grass also stimulates the bowls to release their contents, so this may be an idea also.
*woops sorry didnt see it posted above^^*
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