A miracle

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Darwin NT
Sweetie, a darwin carpet hatchy I bought to save from serious pet shop abuse a few years ago, has never voluntarily come out of her enclosure. She has plenty of opportunities, we usually open their doors and let them decide.

As a hatchie


And 2 weeks ago,

She came out! WOO HOOO!
That's me just sucking it in :)
she is very beautiful. good on you, alot of people on here say just because the pet shop is bad or the owner is bad or the animal is not in top condition that you should not buy them as it encourages them to keep doing it. but i do the same and buy animals that are being miss treated not because i wanna support the owners behavior but because i wanna save the animal.
Steve, APS knows your a herp legend, you don't have to make the rest of us feel inadequate.
Sorry cobber that's not the intent. When something has been broken for a long time and it gets fixed it's a beautiful thing. Something I wished for for 3 years came true. (and continues), Sweetie trusts/ accepts me as part of her landscape. Bliss!

And I'm no herp legend, I leave that for you guys.
So nice that she's getting confident and relaxed. Does she actually get more orange towards her second half or is that a trick of the light in the photo? Either way, she's a beautiful snake.
G'day Ren. Yea she has more orange on the back half but post shed the lower front is a beautiful creamy lemon yellow.


She had mites and didn't eat for the first 4 months. It was distressing. But she pulled through. She really is a sweetie!
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