CALM considered that A. perthensis (pygmy python) would be a problem because the hatchlings are so small they would need lizards to get them going, and as all lizards are protected, you can't feed a protected species to another animal.
I was part of the group which negotiated with CALM for 8 years to get a system in place in WA, and the system we ended up with bears little resemblance to that we envisaged during discussions in that time.
We were promised an effective review after approx 12 months of operation, with consideration being given to species lists, costs and general operational aspects. CALM has not taken these issues any further at this time, and apart from a couple of completely ineffective "consultative committee" meetings (of which I remain a member...) is not keen to consider any further liberating of the system as it exists at the moment.
CALM was dragged kicking and screaming into establishing the system in WA, mainly because we had the support of their political masters, but they have done it in a way which is extremely limited and very expensive, and very complex with regard to returns etc. If you want changes made to the system in WA, enlist the support of your politicians with some well made arguments. But it takes a long time... I left WA for a number of reasons, one of which (and probably the most important one) was that I see no future for expert reptile keeping in that state at this stage. And I just got tired of the way CALM bullies reptile keepers in WA. There are some good and pragmatic people in CALM, but their voices are muted if they look like supporting reptile keepers.
5 species of python - SW carpets, olives, blackheadeds, womas and Stimson's - are allowed to be kept in WA, with Stimson's being removed from the wild in their thousands, and huge destruction of certain habitats by clowns with crowbars with far more interest in money than the reptiles they collect... No python imports allowed into WA because of the threat of IBD and OPMV, both of which have been identified in WA collections anyway...
Wow, that got me onto my soapbox early in the morning eh? Seriously, for reptile keepers in WA, CALM is at best unhelpful, and at worst bullying and threatening.