Almost Legendary
Great news!!
That will be interesting indeedI recieved a reply the other day from my MP.
Good Day Andrew,
Your inquiry to me was initially forwarded to our Shadow Minister for the Environment, Hon Dr Sally Talbot MLC, who is closely monitoring the Minister for Environment and his actions, or otherwise, on this issue. In addition I have now written a Question on Notice for the Minister, a copy of which is attached, and I will get back to you as soon as I have his response.
Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention and please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Member for Pilbara
Further to this he has put forward a question on Notice for the minister at the next legislative assembly on November 2. In this he is asking
1) What reasons has your Department given for maintaining a minimal list of species allowed for keeping in comparison to other states of Australia?
2) What reason does your Department have for insisting that animal sales go through a registered dealer rather than allowing personal transactions that are recorded on an annual return as in other states of Australia?
3) What reasons does your Department give for the extremely high cost of keepers’ licences in comparison to other states of Australia?
It will be interesting to hear the reply.
Wow the DEC love to twist the truth hey, does Helen know when the review was actually promised?
I have nothing back guess we can't all have replies hopefully it's a huge list of people bugging them on this.
they will allow 6 additions that's it sorry but that's an insult, I guess they won't do anything about reviewing their costs in any way either
.....77% only keep the 1 species, if they had more options on the list maybe it would be more eh