advice needed: ackies biting

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Not so new Member
Nov 25, 2008
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hey guys!

i got my first pair of ackies about 3 months ago, everything has been going well, generally they get on really well, they often curl up to sleep on each other, both are feeding well (she is a little more keen but he still eats his feed) and it all is going well but just recently i've noticed what i'm concerned might be a problem behaviour.

just recently i've caught the female trying to bite the male on the hind legs. it's not regular but when it happens he gets really stressed and flinchy and tries to get away from her. when she does bit him it's never very particularly long and hasn't ever done any damage or even broken the skin.

i'm wondering how serious a problem this is and looking for your advice on what i should do about it. i don't have the facilities or room in my unit to seperate them, so i'm really not keen on that but i'll happy take any advice you wish to offer into consideration.


personally I think you answered your own question about seperating them... if it's nipping now what will it turn into later, and knowing this how bad are you going to feel knowing you could have prevented it?
I was having this problem - There was a nice basking spot big enough for the two of them but one wouldn't let the other go near it... I ended up taking out the furniture and setting it up with new furniture with multiple places to sit under the basking spot... Now they don't fight..

A change in your interior design might help if they are fighting over best places to bask or sleep!
it is a serious problem, if you dont seperate them its very likely one will end up injured or dead.

most lizards cant be housed together long term.

probably not the advice u were hoping for, but its in the best interest of ur critters.
Seperate them or its likely they may seperate each other.
if you dont have to facilities or room to seperate them then maybe one of them will have to go, it maybe sad for you but its in the best interest of the animal, putting its safety and well being before your emotions. Have you thought of maybe putting another enclosure directly ontop of this one? it saves alot of space but you have probs already thought of that but just incase you didn't.
as aussiebluetounge said stack another cage on top of the other one. or build a new double enclosure that has a door between the 2 to open at breding time.
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