Advice Needed: Unlicensed Owner of blue tongues.

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Not so new Member
Jun 1, 2007
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Hi all,
I have recently aquired my first diamond python hatchling, I am licensed but one of my mums work friends sons has 2 bluetongue lizards which apparently arent being taken care of properly and want to give them to me for free so they go to a good home. I have never met the current owner of the bluetongues or his mum and have not yet seen or know the conditions in which they are being kept in. I really want to help the bluetongues out and make sure they are healthy and taken care of properly but the problem is the current owner does not have a license. as far as I have been told he bought them off of someone that may or may not breed them so i am unsure as to wether they were wild caught or bred in captivity. I need some advice on this because as much as i want to help the little guys out i do not want to lose my license in the process. also being that i do not have any experience with this i thought asking the community here what would be the best course of action to take would be the best first step.
Many thanks in advance.
Not sure where you are located, but you don't need a license to own Blue Tongues (in Victoria, at least)
What type of blue tounge are they as some types you will need a licence for. Eastern and Northern you dont but others you do. This is in VIC though. Best to check with state wildlife authority to be sure.
I am unsure as to the type because I have not spoken with them personally. My mum just relayed the message when she got home from work this morning.
What a sticky situation. I'm also in NSW but I don't know how you could rectify this with DEH? They would be native to your local area so maybe you could do a section in your yard where they can't really get out, where you can feed them and provide water etc but not have them as pets as such?!?... I don't have experience with Lizards so someone else will probably have a better suggestion. Good luck with it. :)
if i did make a section for them where they cant really get out would that still be classed as keeping them as pets as it would be an enclosure? that and i have 2 dogs, even though they are only maltese terriers i dont want the bluetongues to be stressed in any way as i dont think dogs and lizards would mix all that well =P.
Dogs and lizards definitely aren't friends! I spose It would, I guess I was just trying to think of a way that keeps them in their natural environment but also close enough that you can make sure they get food and stuff..
thinking outside the box so to speak is always good, is there anyone i may be able to call that may know what the legalities of this situation may be?
the legalities are, you are not allowed to buy from unlicensed holders! the best you can do is report him or if he seriously does not want them anymore surrender them to wires or some other organisation. wires will hand them over to DEC / NPWS then they will most likely be put onto the next ballot and given to a licensed holder to take care of.
thanks nervous, greatly appreciated. apparently he got them for his younger sister which wanted them and agreed to take care of them which as younger children do they say they will and then dont. this is why they no longer want them and I want to make sure that the animals dont suffer for the peoples mistake.
In nsw you need an R1 license for:
Tiliqua nigrolutea - Blotched Bluey
Tiliqua rugosa - Shingleback
Tiliqua scincoides - Common/Eastern Bluey

You need R2 license for:
Tiliqua multifasciata - Central Bluey
Tiliqua occipitalis - Western Bluey
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia - Northern Bluey

All blue tongues are licensed here.
mcloughlin2, while i totally agree with your idea, its better to send info like that via PM so you dont get an infraction for promoting illegal activity,...... :p
The issue was resolved to the best of my ability within the confines of my licensing agreement. I have been told that the animals will be fine and relocated to a licensed reptile keeper. Thank you all for your help and advice.
Hey, that's great to hear. Well done!

mcloughlin2 & Chris1, Taking on two common lizards illegally, in a collection that is otherwise legally licensed, is not a wise option. Especially given they may live for another ten or twenty years. Why jeopardise your own position and put yourself through the stress? It also adds to the negative ammunition of those in authority if you do get caught out.

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