Advice on freighting a snake

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AussiePythons Supporter
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Nov 26, 2023
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Hi all. We will be attending the Brisbane Reptile Expo in March and we’re hoping to buy a snake while we’re there. We will need to fly it back to Cairns. I’ve been told we’ll need a lock box which the airport doesn’t sell. Any advice where we could buy one? Also I’ve been told I will need a movement advice. Is that something the seller will provide? Any other advice you can provide would be really appreciated.
I use systema tubs available from supermarkets but any tupperware type plastic container will do, just drill several small holes in it for air, add some cable ties for security.The movement advice is through your wildlife agency (In NSW it is NPWS ) I don't the name in Qld, where you get your license.
Booking agents are either Tail Travel or Feathers and scales. Tail Travel you can book through Facebook, Feathers have a website. Ask both for a quote when you know the size and weight of your parcel
Put your snake in a pillowcase inside the tub and add some shredded paper so it doesn't bounce around
I use systema tubs available from supermarkets but any tupperware type plastic container will do, just drill several small holes in it for air, add some cable ties for security.The movement advice is through your wildlife agency (In NSW it is NPWS ) I don't the name in Qld, where you get your license.
Booking agents are either Tail Travel or Feathers and scales. Tail Travel you can book through Facebook, Feathers have a website. Ask both for a quote when you know the size and weight of your parcel
Put your snake in a pillowcase inside the tub and add some shredded paper so it doesn't bounce around
You can go directly through Qantas again.
When do you have this booked for? I would love to know if you have no problems going through Qantas as this is how I had wanted to do it.
i just did a test booking for next day and then it asked a bunch of questions (what kind of animal, size of box etc) and then it said "your booking is confirmed for x "
If i was actually doing it, I'd take the animal in to qantas pet freight terminal
I’ve contacted Qantas Freight and they’ve told me the crate has to be a IATA approved crate. It can’t just be a plastic container. Does anyone know where I can buy one of the containers small enough for a reptile?
I’ve contacted Qantas Freight and they’ve told me the crate has to be a IATA approved crate. It can’t just be a plastic container. Does anyone know where I can buy one of the containers small enough for a reptile?
I regularly freight by air, I've been doing it for over 20 years. They've changed the rules several times but for quite a few years the standard thing most people have been using is plastic containers or sometimes wooden boxes (previously they let us use polystyrene but most staff at most depots will decline these now). I'm not sure if you had a miscommunication or the person you spoke to was trying to be more strict than necessary to cover their own butt or didn't know what they were talking about, but a plastic tub (I also mostly use Sistema tubs these days) will be fine. To do it properly you should follow the IATA guidelines (which can be done with plastic tubs). Make absolutely sure it's inside something it can't escape, and that goes inside the plastic tub; it has only happened to me once in over 20 years of regularly freighting, but once there was some issue between me lodging and the snake arriving, and the buyer received the snake with a completely shattered and destroyed plastic tub, but the inner containment didn't fail and the snakes were still secure and unharmed. Absolutely positively make sure you package it so that it is completely escape proof, not just for your sake and your snake's, but for mine and everyone else who freights reptiles in Australia.
I’ve contacted Qantas Freight and they’ve told me the crate has to be a IATA approved crate. It can’t just be a plastic container. Does anyone know where I can buy one of the containers small enough for a reptile?
You should find out what constitutes an “approved” IATA container.

All it has to be is a solid material, if you say “can I use a plastic container” most non reptile people are going to think of a take away container.

You should ask if a high quality plastic container that’s less likely to shatter such as sistema container is allowed. You will then want to make sure it’s zip tied shut on all sides. have the snake inside a rubber banded calico bag. stuff the rest of container space with news paper so the bag can’t shake around.

And then possibly putting the container in a cardboard box that’s taped shut.

This has been standard freight practice of many breeders for many years for domestic freight.

Realistically all you should need is:
1x calico bag + rubber band (a good rubber band)
1x sistema container + 8 zipties
News paper/shredded paper for padding around the bag inside container
Freight label
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I’ve contacted Qantas Freight and they’ve told me the crate has to be a IATA approved crate. It can’t just be a plastic container. Does anyone know where I can buy one of the containers small enough for a reptile?
that's a load of rubbish, as Sdaji says a Systema tub is fine. I just sent a tub of dragons to Brisbane last week via Qantas and it was fine
I really don’t know what the Qantas freight person who answered the phone was talking about
They probably didn't know what they were talking about either. They couldnt even direct me to the pet freight terminal from the domestic terminal drop off in Sydney (just a 5minute walk it turns out)
Hi all. We will be attending the Brisbane Reptile Expo in March and we’re hoping to buy a snake while we’re there. We will need to fly it back to Cairns. I’ve been told we’ll need a lock box which the airport doesn’t sell. Any advice where we could buy one? Also I’ve been told I will need a movement advice. Is that something the seller will provide? Any other advice you can provide would be really appreciated.
Movement advice are usually for across borders interstate. I would check with airport.