Aerosol deodorants and pythons

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Not so new Member
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Beaches, Sydney
Hi there,
I just brought home my first hatchling spotted python and it is living in its click clack on the shelves in my bedroom. Can I use aerosol deodorants in the room?
As long as the over spray is not getting into the click clack , or you going nuts with to much , it should be fine .
You don't want the fumes going directly into her click clack and obviously just use a bit of common sense when spraying.
The vents to my cage sit at about head height and I will spray right next to the cage (although it is a large cage with a bigger snake than a hatchling).
Short answer, yes if you are sensible when spraying.
Why use deodorants anyhow?

Fallen for all the sales hype!

Same reason all women use makeup and deodorant, because they're ugly and the stink! :lol::lol::lol: (I read that somewhere on an APS thread) hahaha
My sons snake is kept in his room , but he wont even spray in there... his beo basher is kept in the bathroom, id rather be safe than sorry.
I have read others think its fine, so i guess its up to you.
Thanks - it's good to have some different opinions. My partner is rather flamboyant in his use so I think I'm going to go with the moving the sprays to the bathroom. I'm not up to taking any risks at this stage.
Why use deodorants anyhow?


Because any clean decent person does... We all smell a little at sometime.....

And as for Hair and Deoderant sprays around your snake... Have your window open... If its well ventilated...Wont be a problem...
Never had a problem with it! I never spray to directly around my snakes but yeah... I imagen it would be fine?
I wouldn't use anything like that in the same room as a reptile.Afterall don't they have an even more acute sense of smell than a dog?

Why not just use all that stuff in the bathroom?
their sense of smell is remarkable (so i have been told) i was also told that the first few times you spray may be ok, the first year may also be ok... but then again maybe not..
I feel that over time this wouldnt be good for the snake and by then it maybe too late.
move the deo's to the bathroom, wouldnt risk your little one. same goes for bug sprays, hair spray, spray cleaners and air fresheners, best off trying to use natural cleaners that dont contain any toxic substances.
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