Aggression in pythons

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Not so new Member
Apr 15, 2022
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Do Children's/Stimmys show same sex aggression if in same enclosure? Like will 2 male stimmys be aggressive towards each other?
they can and itll end with one snake as a yummy meal and the other snake injured
I too am interested in this topic. My snakes are not stimmies. But any info or just thoughts of, when and if you can safely house two snakes together, would be appreciated.
This is a strangely touchy subject for many people, and for fear of being abused most others avoid the discussion other than to say 'don't do it!!!'

Two males together is generally a bad idea, though after a battle or two they do usually end up calming down and tolerating each other (not that I at all suggest you do it). Many people keep pairs or females together and generally it turns out fine, though there is some risk. If you do keep pythons together, supervise carefully during feeding. In my first 10 years or so of keeping snakes I kept a lot in pairs and groups and never had a noteworthy problem. Back then I kept most of them in pairs or trios and they usually bred. For various reasons I haven't kept any snakes together (mating introductions aside) for many years now and would generally suggest against it.
Thank you. I'm not planning on intentionally pairing male and male in same space..... Just curious
pythons are not social and you should never pair tham unless you are doing it for breeding pepeases ie breeding for stock or for sale and to breed pythons espashaly if your in western australia reqiers you to have a licence for breeding pertpeses in western australia we have 2 licenceses and fu perpeses standed And Advanced standed replaced the cat 3 licence as for the perpueses a standerd licence can be standed cat b fauna prosessor (pet Keeper) fauna prosessor (Breeder) or standerd cat b fauna prosessor (Pet dealer) Or standerd Fauna Prosessir (other perpoess) or Fauna Prosessor( biololagy study perpess) or Fauna Prosdessor( other Relocation))
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