Agrressive Dragons. What is the cause?

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Well first of all im talking about my experience with eastern beardies and jacky dragons that were bred in the previous two years. 1 jacky and 1 eastern bearded 6 months old. 1 eastern bearded 1 year old.

First of all a little background information all parents of these dudes. The parents of both the jacky and the eastern beardies are complete saints and are fine with handeling. After the first min. of so.;)

But the ones i've bred the previopus two seaonsare like god dam satan in the fleash ALL THE TIME. They have great colours but thats the only reason im keeping them. Everytime I walk past the tank they run up to the glass hissing with beards flared up. The year old has settled a little bit with age but does not tollerate handeling! The eastern is all show but the jacky want blood and if I put my hand in the tank he runs up to bite.

Now with 99% of my dragons bitting is a last resort. But these guys are just plain evil.

At first I thought it was my incubation temps. Being fairly low or high.26 degrees. for easterns. 31 with jackies. I've kept in contact with others that have dragons from the same cluch and they have had no promblems. So im ruling that one out.

Next one U.V all the dragons had access to natural sunlight when young due to being kept in tubs. But some of the people did use U.V no promblems with dragons. People who used no U.V had no problems with dragons. So I can rule that out.

Next was because some were handeled more then others but speaking to others who hardly pull there's out at all. I seem to be the one that pays most attention to them...

I have three therios left:

#1 because the dragons were being kept in tubs and all they see is the roof of my shed all day until I nwalk in and they see a Head with two big eyes and big hands moving towads them. (tubs kept at ground level) And they feel extremely threatened that they feel the need to attack.

#2 There were possibly some chemicals that leaked into the air from the plastic tubs getting to warm and this caused neurological problems? (Please note no tubs were burnt or melted at any stage) just throwing this out there.

#3 or finally the dragons that didn't sell (all 3) were just evil and i was unlucky to end up with all of them. Lets us know what you think.

(sorry in advance about all spelling problems.)
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Firstly i'm no expert, so i'm just giving an opinion based on what sounds right.

I think the first theory is the most likely. Do you know how the other keepers kept their dragons? In tubs or enclosures.

As for the other two theories; I would imagine any neurological problems resulting through heated plastic would include other health issues, rather then just increased aggression.

But you can't rule out the third theory of course ;)

Anyway thats just my two cents
I think it's a combination of 1 & 3, I've noticed the same problem with some of my young beardies kept in tubs, they freak out & think your a bird or something coming to get them because they don't see you approaching unlike glass front enclosures.
It also comes down to the species, I know there are exceptions to the rule but in general jackies & easterns are far more flighty than other dragons like centrals & some will never really appreciate your efforts to be friends:lol:
BTW the only resone I considered putting up #2 is that i though.. (now i know this is a long shot). Is that when the dragons were in tubs they inhailed some of the gases (from the warm plastics) which damaged some of there hormon producing glads (if lizards have hormon producing glads) which made them produce more yeloow pigemnts will doing this is also distroied many brain cells and now the dragons don't know that I'M the person that feeds them!

Meh it's a long shot and I bet 99% of you now think im crazy after reading that post but i just thought I would throw it out there;)

I'm sure some of the more simple things make much more sense and are much more plausable but ima try for something different;)
alot of dragons go through a nutty stage, specially if they are pushed into constant handling, most of the time they snap out of it after 6 months or so, other times they are that traumatised that they stay nutty for life. i have one nutty one at the moment that i got off a friend, he's calming down now that he is only annoyed when being fed or cleaned. once he has calmed down a little and doesnt mind being picked up, he will be able to come out and run around with the rest of the beardies(if he plays nice)...

anyways, thats just something i've found from experience with beardies, 1# wouldnt help much, if its possible, have something where you come at them from the side rather then the top, its less threatening.
W.T.Buy said:
Is that when the dragons were in tubs they inhailed some of the gases (from the warm plastics) which damaged some of there hormon producing glads (if lizards have hormon producing glads) which made them produce more yeloow pigemnts will doing this is also distroied many brain cells and now the dragons don't know that I'M the person that feeds them!

I fail to see the connection :|
Could it be a habitual behavioural response say to getting fed?. Rather like snakes who are most likely to bite when their enclosure is opened as it could be food, but settle down once taken out?
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