AHS June Meeting - Matthew Bonnett on the Madagascar Experience

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2008
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Our June meeting Wednesday 26/06/2013 features a fantastic presentation by Matthew Bonnett on "The Madagascar Experinece"
Matthew has been flown in from South Australia. Many of us have dreamed of visiting Madagascar and to discover the wonderful fauna it has to offer.
This should be a great talk that might inspire some of us to achieve this goal.

Herpetofauna magazine has arrived today and will be posted out to subscribers on Tuesday. This is a double edition catch up issue for 2011 year.
It is expected there will be a second double edition in the next 6 months. Thank you for your support of the iconic truly Australian Herpetological Journal.

Our last meeting the AGM and Auction was a fantastic night that saw us raise $2850. These funds are extremely important to the society and covers costs
such as yearly venue hire and field trips etc. Thank you to those who supported this event. Welcome to the new committee members, Rob Burns,
Philip Topham and Sharleen Knox who have jumped on board. We are looking forward to working with you all.

Photo competition results
From the votes tallied
Best Herp Photo of the year - Matthew McCloskey (sand goanna)
Field Trip Photo of the year - Matthew McCloskey (sand goanna)
Captive Herp photo (tied) - Gregory Cruise (rough scaled python) & Maddison Knox (Children's Python)
Best RBB shot - Ken Griffiths (with feature on the front cover of our magazine)

Our first coloured magazine launch is rapidly approaching. If you would like a feature article in our new magazine, please read the following.
Deadline is Friday the 20th of July with preference to those who submit earlier.
Here are some guidelines for people wanting to know how much to submit:

Letters to the Editor/ Opinion: 100-150 words
Short Article (1/2 page) - 300 words (these can be about a particular species, camera work, current research, or any other)
Short stories: max 500 words
Poetry: max 30 lines or 300 words
Feature Article - 1000 words, 2 – 5 images
Images must be original size and saved as a jpeg, png or tiff file.

Articles can be forwarded to Michael Duncan at m.duncan@uws.edu.au

La Perouse Snake Show Museum Opening

John Cann has asked that anyone who wishes to attend the historic museum opening, could they please forward their email address to
Andrew Melrose at snakesigns@hotkey.net.au. You will be put on an invitation list. It is expected the event will be hosted sometime in October.

Cheers Michael Duncan
AHS President
Don't forget next Wednesday night, should be a great night.
Sounds good. Good to see the old society still going strong.
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