amputated tail. advice please!!

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My apologies Melissa, i got interupted before managing to submit my reply, and when i did there were more posts which included answers to my questions, so i edited my post before you saw the edited version

but i'm still unable to find his post about what temps, and how long he has had this snake and like i said, i'm not commenting on the prolapse as i have no first hand experience with it, You apparantly have so i will let you advise him on that issue.

No problem.

I have not had first hand experience with it, but I have a general idea of what needs to be done - it's not too complicated if it's the hemipenes and not another more vital organ, but it is still obviously an issue. I have spoken to a friend who is a vet (not herp though) and also someone very knowledgeable when it comes to reptiles and all manner of anatomy, and we have hopefully managed to come up with some good advice, and the animal should be okay. The risk of infection has now been reduced, and the prolapse cleaned up. Measures have also been taken in an attempt to keep the hemipenes viable for reduction as opposed to amputation, but this is a long shot I think. If it was another organ it would likely be fatal.

I spoke to the OP on the phone, so went through all his husbandry that way, so there are no posts on here outlining it.
Melissa, all of that info could have been shared earlier, rather than putting in little pieces of info. then everyone would have had the same information.

all the best benjaffa, I hope this has a good outcome for you.
Melissa, all of that info could have been shared earlier, rather than putting in little pieces of info. then everyone would have had the same information.

all the best benjaffa, I hope this has a good outcome for you.

The animal needed treatment for a prolapse - it is not really relevant how he thaws out feed items, or how long he has had the animal, so I hardly felt the need to include it because I would rather deal with the issue at hand than waste time.

See post #24 - all the info was there for you to see.
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Don't bother replying to this thread unless you have something constructive to add.......
sorry for my bad language i have had the snake for six to eight months the temp is26/27 at the warm end i put frozen rat it sandwich bag which i put in hot water to thaw, i have 2 other snakes and it ate a mouse 5 days after amputaion
I'm glad that you have had some information to get you through to monday when you can get yourself to a vet and get him checked out first hand rather than over the phone,
again all the best, i hope you can post back early in the week that the problem is on the way to being fixed.
Thanks I'll post information on what happens at the vet on monday i pray he is going to be ok i have only had him a short time but i bonded more with this snake than my others and would be, iam devistated to know something is wrong and he is in any discomfort or pain and the fact i could lose him if things are really bad.
I thought what I had posted on PAGE 1 ABOUT PROLAPSE HEMIPENES was sufficient to say' HEY IN NEED OF A VET' it said in the first paragraph it could of happen due to INFECTION which is a nasty situation and a serious one ..regardless of not being able to get to a vet till Monday ...RING EITHER A VET OR EVEN THE LIKES OF A REPTILE PARK OR ZOO ...speak to them explaining the situation and ask what type of FIRST AID to give and how to look after him untill you can seek vet/medical help on Monday ..thats commonsense ,you are able to follow instructions,so do it ..
What is wrong with people, i know your not looking to get bagged but man....... ***!

Get to the vet, there is a brilliant vet in penrith Dr Rob Johnson, he will be able to sort this out for you asap.

Pm me for the number
At the vets

monty is at the vets right now my vet called rob johnson in penrith. the inflamation from the amputaion of tail cased the prolapse, originally the vet was going to try and put his hemipenes back in and stich it to hold hemipenes in but after speaking with rob it was decided to amputate them. and even that being done there is a chance that the inflamation could go up monty's spine and cause problems with going to toilet later on down the track so my fingers are crossed and i am praying that it all goes well. i was so stupid, i feel terrible for i have have done and i deserve more than that.
monty is at the vets right now my vet called rob johnson in penrith. the inflamation from the amputaion of tail cased the prolapse, originally the vet was going to try and put his hemipenes back in and stich it to hold hemipenes in but after speaking with rob it was decided to amputate them. and even that being done there is a chance that the inflamation could go up monty's spine and cause problems with going to toilet later on down the track so my fingers are crossed and i am praying that it all goes well. i was so stupid, i feel terrible for i have have done and i deserve more than that.

Glad to hear he is getting sorted - I'm sure everything will turn out okay.

Don't beat yourself up over it any more. You made a mistake, and you then did everything in your power to ensure that your animal was treated. Things happen, and you learn from it. When I spoke to you, it was clear that this was just an error, and you care deeply for your animals and look after them well. You took all advice, and did the best you could.

Don't stress any more - just learn from it and fingers crossed that everything goes okay with Monty now.
monty is at the vets right now my vet called rob johnson in penrith. the inflamation from the amputaion of tail cased the prolapse, originally the vet was going to try and put his hemipenes back in and stich it to hold hemipenes in but after speaking with rob it was decided to amputate them. and even that being done there is a chance that the inflamation could go up monty's spine and cause problems with going to toilet later on down the track so my fingers are crossed and i am praying that it all goes well. i was so stupid, i feel terrible for i have have done and i deserve more than that.

at least now you have had your vet physically see what is going on , when he was talking to Rob Johnson the terminology would be familiar to both, and both would have the same definition of a term, so when talking to each other they would have known EXACTLY what the other was refering to,... this is the downside of forum assistance and over the phone help between someone 'in the know' and someone who THINKS they are in the know.

Accidents happen, thats why they are called accidents. You have learnt by your mistakes and took him to a professional for help. You have done the right thing, and i hope everything ends okay, and no further damage results from the infection.
Thanks everyone for the advice!! praying things go well!!thanks!!! XOXO
both would have the same definition of a term, so when talking to each other they would have known EXACTLY what the other was refering to,... this is the downside of forum assistance and over the phone help between someone 'in the know' and someone who THINKS they are in the know.

Can you elaborate on your above statement? I don't see the "downside" of myself providing advice to the OP, and giving vet-approved first aid advice until the OP could get the animal to the vet. I don't "THINK" I am in the know - the advice I gave was researched, and approved by two other qualified people. I also generally know most of the terminology also, and correctly predicted the treatment that would result after a visit to the vet ;)
girls.. if you both want to start a fight please do it somewhere else and not on this forum..

benjaffa Im glad you sought veterinary help and hope your python recovers.
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