Not so new Member
Just over two weeks ago, I had an unexpected surprise. Checking my incubator before heading to bed, I noticed that one of my N amyae eggs had started to hatch. In the morning when I checked again, I discovered not one but two hatchlings from the one egg. Twins!! In over 30 years of keeping herps this is the first time I have had this happen. The photo attached shows the two little guys after they had just shed only hours after hatching from the one egg. Incubation temp was 29C (+/- 1C). They hatched after 65 days. The second egg from the clutch also hatched that same day. For comparison, the twins were about half the size and weight (just under 2 grams compared) when compared with the normal hatchling who weighed just over 4 grams. The twin geckos appear physically normal. They are both feeding well.