Another Lost Python Thread.

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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So our roughly 6yo Darwin python has gotten out of her (?) enclosure and gone missing some time between 10am this morning and 7:30pm tonight. I'm not sure if her tank was unlocked, or not locked properly, but I got up tonight, her tank was open just a little bit and she was nowhere to be seen. It was definitely closed this morning, but I don't remember if the lock was on the door.

Flame away, I'm already painfully aware that this is a direct result of complacency and stupidity :(.

I suspect that she is either under the house (there's a small hole in the floor near her enclosure) or she's gone next door because they have tasty tasty birds, even though she ate last week so shouldn't be hungry. My rats are in my bedroom less than 10 metres from where her tank is, but I don't think she'd fit under the door which is always closed. We also have cats, which while I don't think she could eat, she could certainly kill them if she wanted to. There's also a crapload of possums in our area. I also have my ferrets in the garage, I'm not sure she would fit through the bars of the cage though.

So I guess my point is that she won't go bloody hungry, there's plenty of potential food to keep her occupied!

She's not a big girl, but is plenty big enough to fend for herself, I'm more worried about how cold it is down here, and/or the possibility of her coming into contact with neighbourhood dogs or shovels.

Unfortunately I had to go to work tonight, and because I didn't wake up til 7:30, I didn't have enough time to call in sick. I would have, but if I called in sick for a 9pm night shift at 7:30, it'd probably cost me my job, which I need to be able to afford to feed all my critters.
I looked for her, checked all the nooks and crannies I could find in that short amount of time, and have defrosted a rat and left her tank open, hopefully she'll realise that the grass is not in fact greener, but is colder, more dangerous and far less cushy than life in the box. I haven't put any flour out because our house is now stupidly open plan, so there's no way of blocking off the area from the dogs, cats or pig. Therefore, there'd be flour all over everything, not just on the floor, and it would all be gross and dogified, so would be useless for tracking snakes in.

Anyway, is there anything that I can do to kind of lure her back to her tank or general vicinity? The tank is open enough for her to go into if she does come back, but I don't know that she'd want to, considering all the animals in the vicinity as well as the fact that she left it in the first place.

The other thought that occurred to me is that she's buggered off to go look for some nookie. I know stuff all about breeding snakes, so is that a possibility at this time of year? She hasn't been cooled or anything, we've only had her for 6 months or so. If she is looking to pick up, then I can direct my search to include more of the areas around the other snake tanks as well.

Thanks everyone, and sorry I'm a terrible person.
I'm so sorry to hear about your Snakey, good luck in finding her though. I would just try and keep her enclosure on, door open and maybe have another look around the heated places - TV, DVD player, other enclosures etc etc.
Good luck again and hope you find her, keep us posted :)
Sorry to hear! Id be looking any place thats warm and dark as early in the morning as you can when its still cold.

As for the flour, can you close the door to the room it was in (or any other room) and place the flour on the inside where no other animals can walk across it?? I lost my girl a few months back but was lucky enough to find her 30min (after I put down a bag of flour all through the house!!) later in a box under my desk. It was dark in there with some of my old stuffed toys. She had curled up and decided to relax there while I had a mini heart attack looking for her!!!

Good luck and I hope you find him/her soon!!!
Turn any heaters in your house off to get it as cold as possible, then create a warm spot somewhere for her. That's about all you can do I think. I really hope you find her and if anyone judges your abilities as a reptile keeper, ignore them! Everyone makes mistakes, you're not the first.
Sorry to hear that i hope she turns up. They always turn up, some guy found his coastal after years.
The snake is very unlikely to be interested in food atm, especially in Melbourne, so you can discount the aviaries next door and the other options as an attraction. The chances are very high that it is still in the house, and even if it did go outside, it wouldn't go too far at this time of the year - the cold would shut it down almost straight away.

look some one high when i lost my python (i left the lid of the tub) she was as the highest shelf in the house and she was only about 40 cm's

:) blake
Nothing worse than losing a snake mate. Like the others said, its highly likey its still in the house somewhere, just keep looking and dont overlook the smallest nooks and crannies. Remember that snakes like small and dark hiding spots and that includes everything from under the couch to in a drawer or cuboard.

Good luck and like MrHerp said, dont let anyone judge you, mistakes are made to be learnt from.
Thanks everyone, you're making me feel less like an awful person:)

Early evening/night would be the best time to look for her, wouldn't it? I've been looking all morning since I got home, but I have to work again tonight :evil:, so I'll have to get some sleep soonish.
I've dragged a rat around the kitchen (this was before I read the rest of the posts), and left it in her enclosure. She's a machine when it comes to food, hasn't skipped a meal since we've had her, and always seems to want more, so we might get lucky.

I swear god hates me though. It's been freezing cold, then when she goes missing we have a nice warm night and today's meant to be 24 degrees.

I don't actually know if she's female, we were told she was a girl when we bought her, but they've only got a 50% chance of being right:)
people may laugh at this but if you know anyone with a fox terrier, put it on a good lead and bring it round to your place. foxies usually hate reptiles and hunt them down pretty fast// just make sure the lead is short
people may laugh at this but if you know anyone with a fox terrier, put it on a good lead and bring it round to your place. foxies usually hate reptiles and hunt them down pretty fast// just make sure the lead is short

That's spot-on! I have two Jack Russell's and they're dynamite with anything they can try & kill, and it doesn't have to be smaller than them! I have to keep them inside during the heat of the day in summer because they're always tangling with Lacies around here, and having spent $600 a couple of years ago getting a (much bigger) dog stitched up following such an encounter, I'm not keen on doing it again, for the dog's or the goanna's sake. Amazing dogs, but you have to be a step ahead of them all the time...

I mentioned in a thread a few days ago - periodically turn off the lights in the house and have a look around with a torch - they're much easier to see by torchlight in a darkened room.

people may laugh at this but if you know anyone with a fox terrier, put it on a good lead and bring it round to your place. foxies usually hate reptiles and hunt them down pretty fast// just make sure the lead is short

... or a westie :) Mine has to be locked in the room whenever I take any of my snakes out because she would be barking like mad even from 6 meters away!
The only Terrier-type dog that I know and would be able to borrow is my Mum's Jack Russell. He's 13yo and blind in both eyes:| My dogs are bloody useless too. I will try the torch idea though.

The only Terrier-type dog that I know and would be able to borrow is my Mum's Jack Russell. He's 13yo and blind in both eyes:| My dogs are bloody useless too. I will try the torch idea though.

- - - Updated - - -

I figure that even if I don't find her soon, she might show up in a few weeks when she's hungry. Near my room (rats), in the garage (ferrets), trying to eat a cat, or next door (chickens and a budgie). I really hope she doesn't eat the next door neighbour's budgie. He adores that thing.
Let the neighbours that if they come across it they don't shovel the back of its head :) And then just play the long waiting game.

Good luck!
Please don't think youre a horrible person, it happens to the best of us. My Olive once got out, didn't go far cause he slithered onto the couch next to his enclosure while my daughter was watching TV, so his 30 seconds of freedom was short lived.

I agre with oi_itz_blake96, look up high. A friend of mine lost her python and after looking down low in all the usual places, found it on top of a cabinet not far from its enclosure.

Good luck and please let us know when you find it.
Let the neighbours that if they come across it they don't shovel the back of its head :) And then just play the long waiting game.

Good luck!

I must say I'm hesitant about telling the neighbours, mostly because they are predominantly Asian (I think mostly Vietnamese) and don't speak a great deal of English. I don't want them to hear the word "snake" and freak out. To put this in perspective, ages ago when bad weather+ scared dogs= ferret hutch broken into and ferrets missing, I had to spend about 10 minutes explaining to one of my neighbours what a ferret was, and that was after showing them a photo!
I was tempted to make up some "snake catcher" flyers, at least if she was found I'd still get her back, but no need to terrify the neighbourhood with "MISSING snake". That and I'm not too concerned about getting a call to relocate anything venomous being right in the middle of suburbia!
But again, I'm a little hesitant because of the legal ramifications of not actually being a snake catcher, but advertising myself to be one:S.

I have checked most of the places I can think of in the immediate vicinity, but tomorrow (not working yay, so I can spend all day ripping the house apart!), I will go through the place with a fine toothed comb.
Hey i know how you feel, i had a mini heart attack when i thought my childrens python had got out, checked under the aspen and found him, hope you find him :)
When i was in Vietnam they offered snake on the menu, expensive as it is a 'special meal that makes your manhood strong' - not trying to scare you, but it might be worth trying to communicate 'its a pet, please dont kill it!'

And i lost my young fella inside his cage! Pulled the house apart looking when i couldnt find him and he was inside the fluro light fitting on the ceiling of his enclosure, so it doesnt hurt to think outside the box a bit too :)
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