Another Road Victim....

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RE: Re: RE: Another Road Victim....

your doing a great job hugsta, that big fella is lucky hes got ya.

hope all goes well,

RE: Re: RE: Another Road Victim....

I hope I never have to care for a sick or injured reptile that I come across (fingers crossed) but if the chance came along I would love to have the experience. It would have to be pretty rewarding when the animal gets better. The kids are crossing their fingers for you too Hugsta.
Thanks to you & David Vella this beautiful creature has a chance of survival.
Good on all three of you. :)

Our thoughts are with you.

BTW, what road was it rescued from?
Zen, it was found along the Old Putty Rd heading out towards Singleton.

Thanks again everyone. It is a very rewarding experience to be able to rehabilitate a wild animal, particularly reptile and eventually see its release back into the bush..

There are plenty of reptile rescuers and carers on here who dedicate a lot of their own time and money to not only rescue and relocate, but to also rehabilitate injured animals back to health. It can be at times extremely frustrating and time consuming and sometimes the animals end up being euthenaised anyway, but at least you gave them the best shot at getting back to health. But, the feeling you get after spending many months getting an animal like this guy back to health and released back to where he came from is far more than any words can write, and this is why I do it. For my own personal satisfaction knowing that I have made a difference to some of our native flaura.
Thanks Hugsta.
I know that stretch well. It's a particularly windy road that one, so it doesn't surprise me. There's alot of mammal roadkill on it as well. e.g wombats, macropods, quolls, possums, echidnas etc.
IMO drivers generally go way too fast though. :twisted:

I had a mate who's family drove on that road twice a week for 20 years & never hit anything apart from insects. They were zoologists & took the time to take care.
Others drove so fast on that road, they couldn't even stay on their side of the road :roll: :evil:
How many animals must drag themselves off into the bush to die in agony :cry:

This Lacey is one of the "lucky" unlucky ones.
Eloquently written last post mate. 8) Well said. :)
You're one of the saints amongst us.

Keep up the good work!

Cheers zen
Glad to hear that folk such as yourself still exist. Also good to hear some kudos going David Vellas way, as I know he does alot of "rescue" work which is often a thankless job.
That's great to hear hugsta your a dead set legend mate... Keep us up to date and it would be great to see some pic's of you releasing him (if possible to release him) to see the poor little guy injured in those photo's and then to watch him go back to his home semi normal again...

That's great work mate i take my hat off to people like you mate...
we haved lived on that road(parents still do)all up 22 years and not one of our family has ever hit anything, but yes there was always lots of road kill on the side of the road. :( and yes people do drive to quick especially the trucks
...good to hear some kudos going David Vellas way, as I know he does alot of "rescue" work which is often a thankless job.
There is a god 8)
When kind, caring & generous people such as David Vella & Daz give so much of their time to help injured wildlife, it gives one hope in humanity. :D
Good on you :)

we haved lived on that road(parents still do)all up 22 years and not one of our family has ever hit anything...
Another example of how it can & should be done!
There should be more folks like you & your family Vinspa. :)

Cheers zen
Hugsta, your blood is worth bottling! Too many animals i have seen hit on the roads and no one seems to care. Good on ya, good luck with the lacey, and please keep us posted on his health.
:oops: ahhh, well what can I say, I know there are heaps of others out there that would do the same if they had the opportunity as well. There are quite a few reptile rescuers on here and they all deserve a pat on the back, not just me. I just wanted to share with everyone what damage some careless drivers can cause to our native wildlife.

I went for a ride up the old highway to the roadwarriors cafe this morning and on the way back saw an eastern beardy lying in the middle of the road, so I pulled over and moved him of the road. First reptile I have seen out this season down here, although, it was pretty warm even at 10am.
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