Any room in the market for a new breeder?

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Not so new Member
Aug 16, 2011
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Clearview, South Australia
Hey everyone.

I had a bit of a look through the forums but didn't see anything about this specifically so I'm asking it. Mods, If I'm wrong and there are similar articles, feel free to ditch this thread.
Anyway, I digress. Lately I've been getting increasingly more excited about pythons and have started to entertain the thought of possibly breeding them. What I want to know is;
Is there really any room in the market for a new breeder of any species? I would love to be able to breed and sell pythons as a hobby (it would be a good mental break from my degree :p) but
I don't want to start breeding any species if there's an overflow and the supply is exceeding the demand or the demand is barely meeting the supply. For one there's obviously no financial
sense in that however the main reason is because a species in excess is just as upsetting in someways as an endangered species. Particularly if the snakes aren't going to good homes and just
end up in the bin :( (Something all too common of so many other domestic pets)

So in short. Are there any species that I could breed that would (as a general rule) go to good homes and sell relatively quickly? I'm not concerned about the money all that much although it
would be nice, but I don't want to be forcing the price down for other breeders who do this as a living, or a part time living.

Thanks guys.
Wow, an honest person who doesn't just care about himself! You will do well in this hobby, we need to start tipping the balance toward this kind of nature!
Plenty of species as far as a neutral point of view, Black headed pythons, Green Tree Pythons, Albino Olives especially, Rough scaled pythons and alot more mate gl :)
I'm with ya would love to breed even just once would just be great :) sure there's all ways room for new breeders :) I'll be there in 2 years haha raise my little ones up first
There is always room in the market for quality animals. People want great looking animals, they are the ones that will move fast, average animals will take a little longer unless you put a really good price.
if you havent breed before it is a rather big responsability if you cant garntee good quality animals, e.g if u sell a hatchy to someone that u think is feeding well and the person gets it and it dosent eat for months and dies, well then your going to get a bad name and no one will buy anything from. (people talk alot in the reptile world)
lets say u breed 4 clutchs of childrens pythons and people have heard your animals arnt that great, you will be stuck with 20-50 babys, then u have to feed them every 2-3 weeks and that ends up costing alot of $$$. then they will grow so u will have to upgrade them to bigger tubs or enclosures, and alot of people just dont have the room for 50od baby snakes.

just some thing to take in to considerastion:)
Forget the negatives at this stage ^^^^
With all the info about breeding freely available anyone can breed almost anything nowadays
If you have feeding records etc preferably with photos included nobody would question anything

First off do some research
Here is as good a place as any

After a bit of reading old prices and comparing them with now you will see a pretty consistent flow
Anyone can do ok breeding
The trick is to correctly guess what snake will be flavour of the month in about 3 years time
Next is to get the best breeding stock you can to breed the one you chose

If you choose correctly you make money
If you dont you have some fun and learn a few things
I'm with ya would love to breed even just once would just be great :) sure there's all ways room for new breeders :) I'll be there in 2 years haha raise my little ones up first

You still need to find one of your little ones yet Jake. :lol:
Wow. Thanks guys. Was not expecting such a positive response. This is awesome. I shall definitely look into some of the species mentioned and give it a bit more consideration now that it looks like there may indeed be some room for me in the market :) Feel free to continue chipping in your thoughts/advice. Really want to get as broad of an opinion as possible.
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