Anyone awake? Need help! Heat light blew!!

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Well how do you expect me to reply when you point out things that aren't a huge issue?

If I left the snakes to die and made a post about how the heat light went out while I was away, I'm sure I'd have been flamed, too.

I took my snakes with me so I could make sure they were OK, is that so bad?

the law seems a bit silly when the animal is going to be better cared for being taken with rather than being left behind,...

Thank you :) if I had someone to mind them, then that would be fine. I just have any family or friends where I live.
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if you need someone in the future im in brissi mate. but the law is stupid in that regards. its there for a reason that applies to a tiny % of the petile owning populus.
a snake will die of overheating a lot quicker than it will die from being cold. as long as the last meal had digested, you could have changed the water and it would have been fine for quite a few weeks or even months depending on the age and condition of the individual. the minute they start to feel too cold they will into shutdown mode, especially this time of year.
Maybe consider changing your heating to an appropriate wattage heat cord, next time you go away it wont be an issue, you can leave them at home
a snake will die of overheating a lot quicker than it will die from being cold. as long as the last meal had digested, you could have changed the water and it would have been fine for quite a few weeks or even months depending on the age and condition of the individual. the minute they start to feel too cold they will into shutdown mode, especially this time of year.
Maybe consider changing your heating to an appropriate wattage heat cord, next time you go away it wont be an issue, you can leave them at home

Thanks :) I'll look into a heatcord when I get home.

Unseen, cheers mate :)
the law seems a bit silly when the animal is going to be better cared for being taken with rather than being left behind,...

It's also just as silly when people blindly regurgitate the law :(
I'm not advocating that the law be broken, just saying.. It's a bit insane at times.

If I went away with my partner, I'd be hard pressed to find someone local to house sit, let alone someone who is comfortable with snakes.
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The snakes would have died if you weren't home for a bit and the light blew? No, they wouldn't have. They'd have been cold when you got home, but they'd have been absolutely fine. You don't need to be panic if they don't get any heat for a few days, they're not going to die from it.

If you go away for a few weeks, snakes do not need to be baby sat. Get a timer or thermostat for your heating, fill the water bowl and off you go.
the law seems a bit silly when the animal is going to be better cared for being taken with rather than being left behind,...

Not really that silly.. it's a form of quarantine to isolate any potential deseases or pathogens being introduced into an area. I know this is not the case in this instance but what if the specimen carried pathogens and it's being moved around with the keeper where ever they went? I know the likelyhood of that happening is pretty minute but it's a concern none the less...
Well I just bought a new globe. :DThanks to everyone who offered genuine help, I appreciate it. I think it's evident that I am not a reckless individual. There are far more troubling things in the world than me moving my snakes to my mothers house for a few weeks.I bet the people getting their feathers ruffled by this are the sort of people that peer out from behind their curtains with a notepad and pen on their lap waiting to bust a neighbour for washing their car at the wrong times.You all make the world a safe place, pat yourselves on the back ;)
yeah no worries mate as i said just pm me if you ever need a babysitter. and its good to show concern for you snake, shows what sort of owner you are.

and the people that try to be pure law abiding citizens down to the letter and will dob you in for the slightest step outside of the law are generally people who fail in life at everything else and thats all they can do for some self satisfaction, they are pathetic. however people who have a good judgment of the law and dob people in for something decent arent bad people. but for example my mate got a 5k fine for working on his car in his yard in his shed which apparently is against a certain shires laws.... because of some busybody...
Yeah mate, that's ridiculous, I would have been beyond angry if I was your mate... A lot of "laws" are put in place and don't actually serve a decent enough purpose to warrant having them in the first place. I'm fairly sure there are many people on this site who would be first in line to dob someone in for doing something of no detriment to themselves, or anyone else.
What are the laws about carrying your snake around your neck while out shopping or in the car cause I see that where I live

It is illegal! attention seeking and does the hobby no favours.
This sort of thing will only serve to restrict the hobby even more than it is now.
Yet another reason i run heatcords for heating and only run globes for lighting. Adelaide hills often gets to 0c or lower overnight and as all my reptiles are northern Oz species i feel it unfair to subject them to constant overnight freezing and average daytime temps of 13c.

heat cords will not give a gradient heat, which is not the best for most northern species.
not sure of the possible ramifications of not having their ranges average air temps though... who knows, there aren't any studies I have found.
What are the laws about carrying your snake around your neck while out shopping or in the car cause I see that where I live

I'd like to point out that I don't do this, and I wouldn't do this. Regardless of the showing off aspect, it would only stress the snake.
Kawasaki.....It looks like all the loonies have come out of the woodwork in a flaming mood, and you are copping the brunt.:) Keep doing what you are doing and ignore the knockers.
A good replacement is a similar wattage standard or party globe from Woolworths or Coles. If you don't have a t/stat just be a bit more vigilant and cycle on and off manually on occasion.
Wow this thread sure went off topic! Glad it's all ok kr. It's a shame about some of the flamers on here, I really think it puts people off asking questions! Even when it's something that will just put your mind at ease.
Kawasaki.....It looks like all the loonies have come out of the woodwork in a flaming mood, and you are copping the brunt.:)

flaming? lol you sure must be kept in a nice safe bubble world if you think a light tap to introduce some common sense and forethought is flaming...

I've just re-read through the entire thread and not a single post could be said to be a flame, there are mentions of legal requirements and people saying you should take a little more care to have a back up for essentials and to think ahead, not a single post belittled or put down the OP (that still exists in the thread) so yea, maybe you need to be a little less delicate and become more of an adult and learn to take constructive criticism.
and even this post isn't a flame, if you see it as one, you're truly in for a world of hurt in the real world and day to day life.
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Yet another reason i run heatcords for heating and only run globes for lighting. Adelaide hills often gets to 0c or lower overnight and as all my reptiles are northern Oz species i feel it unfair to subject them to constant overnight freezing and average daytime temps of 13c.
heat cords will not give a gradient heat, which is not the best for most northern species.
not sure of the possible ramifications of not having their ranges average air temps though... who knows, there aren't any studies I have found.

Yeah, my 3 1/2yo brissie coastal hates having an enclosure that is 30% perforated steel and not having a heat gradient and only a warm spot to shiver on 24/7, she's only grown an extra 4ft in the 2 years she has had to tolerate these horrendous conditions. Just think how much more she would have grown if i'd given her a perfect 10c gradient in a nice climate controlled vivarium. :shock: :lol:
Yeah, my 3 1/2yo brissie coastal hates having an enclosure that is 30% perforated steel and not having a heat gradient and only a warm spot to shiver on 24/7, she's only grown an extra 4ft in the 2 years she has had to tolerate these horrendous conditions. Just think how much more she would have grown if i'd given her a perfect 10c gradient in a nice climate controlled vivarium. :shock: :lol:

anecdotal evidence at best I'm afraid.
4ft? what is this? America? we use the metric system here :p

she's 3 and a half, how big is she in total? what's her girth? what's her diet like? there are many things you haven't stated to give any real indication of how she's going based on what criteria, and she's only three, what will the long term consequences be? a shorter life time? who's to say? a Brisbane coastal may well survive in differing conditions, but it's doubtful they'll do well in the long term in such a different local SO far from their native range, otherwise they'd be there natively.

or I could be completely wrong, as I said, I've not seen any studies to give any real indication.
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