Kawasaki.....It looks like all the loonies have come out of the woodwork in a flaming mood, and you are copping the brunt.

Keep doing what you are doing and ignore the knockers.
A good replacement is a similar wattage standard or party globe from Woolworths or Coles. If you don't have a t/stat just be a bit more vigilant and cycle on and off manually on occasion.
Thanks mate, I have a thermostat so it's all good

A lot of people on here are quick to pick on people, they must be pretty weak in the real world if they have to feel a sense of superiority so much that they seek it online
Wow this thread sure went off topic! Glad it's all ok kr. It's a shame about some of the flamers on here, I really think it puts people off asking questions! Even when it's something that will just put your mind at ease.
Thanks woodys, yeah a lot of people may be deterred when reading a lot of threads on here
flaming? lol you sure must be kept in a nice safe bubble world if you think a light tap to introduce some common sense and forethought is flaming...
I like to think that I have enough common sense and forethought. Hence the reason I made sure I could tend to my animals if need be, which I did.
The fact is my snakes had food in their guts, my residence isn't insulated and the room where they are situated HAS been as low as 0. I don't care how much common sense you think I lack, everything I've read indicates that snakes need heat to digest their food, and the light could have blown at any time. They may have digested it before it blew, but they may not have, at the time the light actually took a nap, the snakes weren't digesting anything, but it COULD have happened at the wrong time.
What sort of common sense and forethought would you have bestowed to me if I came on here with a "RIP" thread, stating that my snakes had died? "Get someone to look after them" - Improbable "Don't feed them before you go away" - Fair enough, but the trip was a last minute thing, so forethought wasn't really possible.
Bugger forethought, they say hindsight is 20/20, and in hindsight, I reckon I did the right thing

I'm not fussed about people giving me "constructive criticism", I've got broad shoulders. Keep it coming
I've just re-read through the entire thread and not a single post could be said to be a flame
Ask sookie. She should be able to tell you
^^^^ If the above isn't a blatant flame, then I don't know what is. Granted, no "Blatant" flaming has come my way in the thread, but people haven't been too polite either. The people that talk a hard game on here wouldn't dare talk to people so rudely if people were face to face. Anonymity makes us all a hero
What species do you keep kawasaki?
Your in ippy right? If you keep any local species eg coastals etc etc. they would be fine with out heat this time of year. but good on you for wanting to properly supervise your repz
Hey Cleo, I have 3 jungle python hatchlings