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unless your only going to be selling childrens and stimmys and a few lizards i wouldn't bother, run it as a hobby, keep all the money tax free. Not just that but you'll end up spending tens of thousands of dollars getting breeding stock then have to wait 2 or 3 years before their old enough to breed all the while paying off bills because they won't stop coming in and thats before you even get to the enclosures. If you run it as a hobby you can buy and sell whatever you like on the rec licence, run it as a buisness and it limits you to the point where it really wouldn't be financialy viable, Just my opinion, i could be wrong :)
nah i think you might be on to something there how do you tell a 14 yr old to stay at school school sux at least he has a goal which is more than i had when i was 14 :D
i would rather have more money to put toward my reptiles and not have a hobby named a buisness then have less money to put towards it then have a so called business
.........was begging parents but no. they did not let me get the bargain of the century.
And that is their right while you are living under their roof. Respect their decisions. Reptiles aren't everyone's cuppa tea & you have to accept that. Just because you can't have the animals NOW doesn't mean it will never happen. Spend your time at home doing all your learning. Purchase equpment and learn how to set up various vivariums - some animals like it hot, others like it cool, some like humidity some like it dry. Learn about what you need to do to control the environment - safer without animals. Thermostats, thermometers, hygrometers, tall tanks, horizontal tanks, what animals like that particular set up. Lights, heatmats, heatcords, water, food, incubation. There is so much to learn about to keep it fun.

You will have the rest of your life once you leave home. Be patient.
If there's money in reptiles how come I am not a millionaire ????? :)

I just love my animals and it costs me a small fortune but to me nothing else matters

Sandee :)
If there's money in reptiles how come I am not a millionaire ????? :)

I just love my animals and it costs me a small fortune but to me nothing else matters

Sandee :)
who said theres any money in them saying that you only need to sell one million reptiles make a buck off each one and there you go how easy is that :D
Hey Buddy, I know that corrumbin sanctuary has a kick butt basic herpetology course that you could save up for, it will sting you around 250 but well worth it, get to know your husbandry and basic biology of what you want to deal with will only help you in the long run, going commercial as you say, it will be easier with little bits of paper to back you up. some tafes offer short herp courses aswell.
good luck with it all little man
Hey :):D:):D

I recon stay at skool (belive me i no it sux but hear me out :rolleyes: ) but get started with the reptiles so that when u finnish yr 12 u will have sumthing there ready and waiting, but also as a side earner while u r finnishing ur education!

If you wanted to sell a wider range of reptiles you could move interstate once finnished highschool ect, or you could find someone 2 be a buisness partner that lives interstate :D
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