HM. As you mentioned Greg, This is my site, so I can ask. Do you have some problem with me mate?
Reason why I am asking can be completely different.
And Alexhander, I do not see any reason why you are so bitter. If you do not like to answer, just ignore the pole. By the way all the people who won prices in that competition did received them. Some was donated by me and some by Paul. Only person who did not received anything is you. If that is bothering you so much, I will donate book to you. It is ,,,, Australian reptiles in captivity by Weigel. Book can be picked any time during working hours at 4 Doyle Rd Revesby. I had this book ready for you at last APS meeting, but you did not came. Let me know when you will pick the price.
When we started the comp, we did not guarantied any prices, but thanks to 2 people who donated them, they was all distributed. Your price was book which we was working on and that book was newer done. So I hope that you are happy with your price and thank you again for being such a loyal member here for more than 2 years. I can see that you have our community in heart.
That competition was reason why we will not do anything like that again on APS. People who did all the work and donated the prices received little thanks and lot of troubles.