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Im on the other side of the city and dont have a license at the moment, if your desperate I can prob get myself over there tomorrow but if you do it another day after work Ill be able to get the missus to drive.
ah thanks twitch, It should be alright hopefully I can find people. If your are keen I could pay for some petrol or taxi. Cant really change the date which sucks everyone I had in mind has gone out as a group to get smashed for the long weekend lol and the tanks a bit big to just be sitting around a fish shop.

its going to look amazing once finished!! just cant make up my mind on monitor or lizards or keep it a full fish tank and do the lizard setup in a different tank hehe. Even plan on putting a water fall on this system !
Just curious how old are you? Haha ah dont worry bout a cab, i can catch a train pretty easy, ill pm you my number, just text me details and what station and Ill come help. Got nothing planned till late and I wouldnt mind seeing your fish anyway.
haha, I am only 17. Yeah I know I have a serious issue with keeping a zoo at my age , I try my best to keep up with it all. School-work-water changes, getting from a-z moving tanks around without a car or even a ute its not easy.

Thanks for the offer really means a lot. If we are short I shoot a txt over. U can come and have a look any time also. always happy to show people around my grandma keeps saying I have to charge an entry fee soon haha.
Anyone ever had a go at converting brackish species like yellowfin bream,gar,mullet,flathead,whiting to completely fresh water? I've been having a bit of a read on it an thinking I might setup an old 4ft that's building dust and having a go..

Hey guys bit off topic, but would anyone in melbourne be keen giving me a hand tomorrow ? :)

My massive tank is finished and need a few more people to help out move it. Its on a troll that jacks up to the height of the tank so its just a matter of lifting it from the troll onto the stand.

How many litres is this one mate? what have you got planned for it?
its around 600 gallons xD 15mm base side glass doubled sheeted with 20mm base. oh and to add it all up its a bow front so its going to be all wonky jackos to carry.

it was a loyalty discount :) the price I am getting it for is too good to be true. Plans are turtles and fish MAYBE a lizard I dont know many people tell me to try lizards first all the people I talk too tell me to just get the lizard and I wont stuff it up knowing me so mixed. Have a lot of work to get done anyway on the tank before it can be filled so no biggie.
its around 600 gallons xD 15mm base side glass doubled sheeted with 20mm base. oh and to add it all up its a bow front so its going to be all wonky jackos to carry.

it was a loyalty discount :) the price I am getting it for is too good to be true. Plans are turtles and fish MAYBE a lizard I dont know many people tell me to try lizards first all the people I talk too tell me to just get the lizard and I wont stuff it up knowing me so mixed. Have a lot of work to get done anyway on the tank before it can be filled so no biggie.

Nice that's a unit of tank, what's the dimensions?
its 7.x by 4 x 3.x very off size. as its bow front the size is an est. never the less its a bloody huge tank. just to test lfs I called up asking for a 7ft x 4 wide and 2 high with a bow front and well the cheapest was 4.5k without a stand :O

Anyways I have to start moving water and fish around lol.

2200lph pump even makes draining a 8ft tank slow lol..
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Anyone ever had a go at converting brackish species like yellowfin bream,gar,mullet,flathead,whiting to completely fresh water? I've been having a bit of a read on it an thinking I might setup an old 4ft that's building dust and having a go..

I have had a brackish tank before the Bream and mullet do well and you can get mangrove jack and monos (butter bream) from some shops, but it still pays to add a bit of salt I never kept whiting or flathead, toad fish another good one that is hardy I used to catch the bream in fresh water in the upper reaches of the Brisbane river and keep them in my pond they did great.

I got a pic of my marine tank today.



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awesome stuff!!!
So basically once set up correctly a salt water setup would be fairly easy to maintain providing the tank is of a decent size.
I am fascinated by aquariums :)
If you don't have any live coral it's relativly easy but you still have to do water checks regulary, but once you get used to that it's strait forward, when you have a larger body of water it is easy to look after, I still think you shoud read up on it but.
yeah I am not in the position to get a salt water set up and I wouldn't just jump into it. I have a tropical setup.
Live rock is good for the water though yeah>?
Year it's good but the live rock is still living so you have to look after it to.
ah ok cool.
My friend got told by an aquarium place that putting live rock is good for the water and is easy to take care of as only the live coral is finiky.
I said to get on some aquarium forums lol.
Lovely stuff though.
It's a hole eco system once you get it right it runs it self, but you need to keep a check on it and use all the proper aditives when they are needed and then it will run smoothly.

thanks boxhead1990 love to see it.
my little 30l tank.
I have 6 neons
2 snails
and 2 comets? (I gave them a home after my mate didn't want them)


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