Australia adds 127 reptiles to global treaty in crackdown on ‘cruel and abhorrent’ smuggling

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Sydney Readfearn, @readfearn ,Mon 4 Apr 2022 13.24 AEST

Blue-tongue lizards among species to get stronger international protections
  • blue-tongue lizard
The Australian government has put forward 127 reptile species to be listed on an international convention to prevent illegal wildlife smuggling, including several species of blue-tongue lizard. Photograph: Photo taken by Bradley Dolman of Australian Border Force

Nearly 130 native Australian reptiles targeted by international wildlife smugglers will be added to a global convention in a step the Morrison government and conservationists hope will stifle the “cruel and abhorrent” trade.

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The spiny-tailed gecko, shingleback lizard and several blue-tongue lizard species are among the reptiles that the environment minister Sussan Ley has listed for inclusion under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (Cites).
“Sadly, our reptiles have become a major international target, and while I stress very clearly that it is already a crime under Australian law to export these animals without specialised permits, this listing will secure additional international support for their protection,” Ley said.
In the last two years the environmental crime unit at the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment has convicted 11 people on wildlife trafficking charges, with combined sentences of almost 27 years in prison, Ley said. She said government agencies continue to track down networks involved in the “cruel and abhorrent” trade.
Cites has notified the government the 127 species will appear on a formal list by the middle of this year. Ley said it represented one of the biggest listings of any signatory to the convention since it came into force in 1975.
Wildlife traders smuggled this blue-tongue lizard in a chip can.

Wildlife traders smuggled this blue-tongue lizard in a chip can. Photograph: Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
The unique features and colours of Australian reptiles make them highly sought after globally and a target for wildlife smugglers.
Cites is the same convention that bans exotic wildlife and products from animals, such as ivory.
Conservationists at Humane Society International (HSI) proposed the listing of the reptiles in 2020.
Despite their export being illegal, the reptiles were being routinely advertised on pet trade websites and Facebook groups in Europe, HSI said.
“The illegal trade in reptiles is often cruel, where live animals are bound with tape and stuffed into socks or small containers before being shipped abroad with no food or water,” Alexia Wellbelove, a senior campaign manager at HSI, said.

“Many do not survive the journey. This listing is another weapon in our arsenal against the illegal international trade of live reptiles.”
The reptiles will appear under appendix three of the convention, meaning that countries will have to report imported animals to help Australia track the trade.
A seized shingleback lizard, one of the species to be added to Cites.

A seized shingleback lizard, one of the species to be added to Cites. Photograph: Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment
Wellbelove said HSI was optimistic the reptiles would in future receive higher protection under appendix one of the convention, meaning a formal ban on their international trade.
There are 1,082 species and 36 sub-species of plants and animals on the Cites banned list. Australia was an original signatory to the convention.
That will not stop smuggling maybe even make it more interesting to keep aussie animals, only thing that will stop smuggling is if you can sell your aussie captive bred animals overhere that would take the money out off the market if there was plenty of animals. Now it looks like I can name the next 127 species to be favorite smuggled animals
That will not stop smuggling maybe even make it more interesting to keep aussie animals, only thing that will stop smuggling is if you can sell your aussie captive bred animals overhere that would take the money out off the market if there was plenty of animals. Now it looks like I can name the next 127 species to be favorite smuggled animals

A voice of reason.

Sometimes policies are so insane that you legitimately wonder if they could actually be made through incompetence or if they could only be created that counterproductively by design.

Legal export should be an option, with very high taxes. If it was a legal option people would prefer to pay high taxes than evade the system, and if they weren't willing to pay the taxes/fees, there wouldn't have been sufficient incentive to sneak them out anyway.

It would be so much better if the government made some money and the honest people could make money who are currently missing out while others are making money and we have a needless game of cat and mouse being played where the taxpayer loses instead of wins.
It's on 🙄


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