Bad people

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Active Member
May 21, 2016
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Hi all . I haven’t been in this forum for along time but I needed to vent and my wife’s sick of hearing about it all ready. Took the kids (2 boys both massive animal lovers ) and my wife out this morning for a walk at north kellyville (smalls creek walk) . As we walked this dumb man comes running towards us four with a shovel in he’s hand screaming at us to watch out as there’s a snake in the grass next to us . I said to him “leave it alone it’s not going to do any thing it’s just out for some sun” he said “ bull **** it but some ones dog yesterday “ as I put my hand up to back him a way my wife grabbed me and pulled me away and he cut the snake in half and swore at it and then spat on it. I was pissed of to say the least( I wanted to flog this man more then any thing but he had a shovel and looked fitter then me , plus the kids and wife were there. ) . The anger in this man’s face was nuts . It’s hard to educate dumb people and reasoning with them is all so impossible . I hope karma gets him in the worst possible way..
I know the goal of this group is to be family friendly most if the time but ******* hell, this **** makes me so furious, It really makes me so mad to the point i start screaming, this **** is just so ******* stupid, whatever ******* did this, I want them to know I would ******* clob them if I was there. I'm furious, thanks for the story
This is very distressing to hear. Good on you for trying mate. It amazes me how many uneducated cavemen still think killing snakes and any protected wildlife for that matter is acceptable. I would've said I'll remove it away from people, I completely understand not everyone is happy to do that. My next approach would've been to make him aware it's against the law to kill protected species. If all else fails get his number plate and dob the bastard in.
This is very distressing to hear. Good on you for trying mate. It amazes me how many uneducated cavemen still think killing snakes and any protected wildlife for that matter is acceptable. I would've said I'll remove it away from people, I completely understand not everyone is happy to do that. My next approach would've been to make him aware it's against the law to kill protected species. If all else fails get his number plate and dob the bastard in.
I tried to reason with him in the very short time I had but he was fuming . Every time I said leave it alone it’s not going to hurt you . He just said ******** the monster bit some ones dog yesterday . He was in a rage. My wife got pissed at me for saying something as she though he was crazy and he was going to hit me with the shovel. 50 meters away from that and out if he’s sight there was a red belly curled up just of the foot path I shoed it away as quick as I could and assured the lady next to me with her dog that the snakes fine and they don’t bite or chase like people think , but I think the fear in face said it all..
Sounds like a complete d*ck-head. The best course of action in this instance is for you to avoid a physical altercation with a crazed idiot with a shovel, but you should have just recorded it on your phone or your kid's phone, everyone has a phone these days, unnecessarily attacking, harming, maiming and or killing protected Australian fauna comes with hefty penalties especially when done in a public place and not on private property. All Australian snakes are protected. The dude coulda been fined so hard he's need to take out a loan just to sh*t.
I'm going to be very unpopular here for speaking inconvenient facts most people here won't like, but it probably needs to be said...

If you want to reduce the amount of irrational thinking in this world, the first person to start with is yourself. I'm not talking about the realities of snakes etc, I'm talking about belief in fictional legal situations and trying to convince others of those lies.

What this man did was obviously stupid and bad, but not illegal, even on a technicality. If you believe a snake poses danger you are legally allowed to kill it. This man legitimately believed it posed a danger. His actions, stupid and terrible as they were, were entirely legal.

Dobbing people in for doing something 100% legal does not help our cause, it hurts our cause. It establishes snake enthusiasts as irrational people who should be ignored.

If the guy was bigger than me, angry and armed, I probably wouldn't have physically tried to stop him either, especially if I had kids with me, but personally I'd have grabbed the snake. Even if he was smaller than you it would be a very questionable thing to do.

Let's not forget that snakes actually do kill pets and even the occasional human, and globally they kill more humans than any other type of animal (mosquitoes excepted if you include them being the cause of the diseases they spread). They do actually pose a real danger. Not that I'm in any way at all advocating or condoning the killing or relocating of wild snakes in a natural environment, but it helps to understand the perspective other people have.

Keep in mind that even when snakes are killed illegally (when the killer does not believe they pose a danger), the law is never going to do anything about it. We can lie to ourselves and say that there are huge fines etc. for killing snakes, but the reality is that even if the law wanted to prosecute someone for killing a wild snake, which has literally never happened and almost certainly never will, all the killer would need to do is say 'I thought it posed a danger' and that would make it 100% legal. Not necessarily ethical or sensible or correct or good, but 100% legal, or even if they just lied after the fact, there's no way to prove what they had been thinking at the time, even if the law did care, which it doesn't.

When we lie to other people about the legal situation, we just kill our own credibility. You may be on the right side of morality, but if you are on the wrong side of facts it makes it very easy for people to legitimise hating you and dismissing everything you say because you have just proven to them that you are wrong. This concept works even when you are actually correct and they only think you are wrong, but when you are actually wrong, it is even more powerful.

Interestingly, in the late 80s and through the 90s I saw a positive change in public attitude towards snakes in Australia, but over the last 10-15 years as snake keeping has becoming more common and snake enthusiasts have become more vocal and irrational, I've been seeing this trend reverse. The myths being spread by snake keepers are now often more extreme than the myths spread by snake haters. This wasn't the case at all until around 20 years ago, which not coincidentally IMO, is when the improvement in public attitude towards snakes started moving in the bad direction. Speaking reality will make those who believe in fictional narratives hate you, which I suppose means both snake haters and lovers will hate me for saying this. So be it.
Interesting... So by law, being ignorant and or lying to defend the needless killing of snakes, no dramas, you're off the hook... BUT being ignorant and or lying about your credentials to illegally take and or keep a snake as a pet.. BIG problem.. LOL Ya gotta love it.

"Kev the reason we're here today is because we had a report that you killed a RBB with an axe down at the park, is this true?"
"Absolutely officer, I cut that f'r into 37 pieces, because it was chasing me and I thought I was going to die"
"No worries son, that's perfectly acceptable, by the way, nice enclosure you have there, what's in it??
"Oh yeah thanks, that's my pet RBB, his name is "redskin" I found him in the bush a couple of years back and rescued him because I figured he was lost and he would have died out there in the wild all on his own, he's pretty cool, once a week I go out and catch frogs and blue tongues to feed him. I've a mate in Indonesia who said he'll pay me 5k if I stuff him in a postage poster tube and send him over"
"Do you have a permit for Redskin"
"No I don't, he was on my property and there's hundreds of them here so it's all good"
"Son, you better come with us, unlawfully interfering with protected native wildlife is a federal offence"

*Pulls Redskin out of his terrarium and chops him up with axe*
"Officers I just saved your lives"
"Good work Son, let us buy you a beer"

The system is flawless.
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Interesting... So by law, being ignorant and or lying to defend the needless killing of snakes, no dramas, you're off the hook... BUT being ignorant and or lying about your credentials to illegally take and or keep a snake as a pet.. BIG problem.. LOL Ya gotta love it.

"Kev the reason we're here today is because we had a report that you killed a RBB with an axe down at the park, is this true?"
"Absolutely officer, I cut that f'r into 37 pieces, because it was chasing me and I thought I was going to die"
"No worries son, that's perfectly acceptable, by the way, nice enclosure you have there, what's in it??
"Oh yeah thanks, that's my pet RBB, his name is "redskin" I found him in the bush a couple of years back and rescued him because I figured he was lost and he would have died out there in the wild all on his own, he's pretty cool, once a week I go out and catch frogs and blue tongues to feed him. I've a mate in Indonesia who said he'll pay me 5k if I stuff him in a postage poster tube and send him over"
"Do you have a permit for Redskin"
"No I don't, he was on my property and there's hundreds of them here so it's all good"
"Son, you better come with us, unlawfully interfering with protected native wildlife is a federal offence"

*Pulls Redskin out of his terrarium and chops him up with axe*
"Officers I just saved your lives"
"Good work Son, let us buy you a beer"

The system is flawless.

That's sadly close to the way it works, yes.

To be fair, every country in the world which has dangerous snakes allows people to kill them, and this is a necessary rule, even if most snake enthusiasts are too biased to see it. But it's a very sad situation where you can legally go out and kill snakes all day while there is generally no legal avenue to catch any of those same animals and keep them as pets. There is a small amount of sense in the laws, but in practice they are really unfortunate.

Incidentally, it's also perfectly legal to kill lizards or other animals if you believe they pose a threat, even if you are completely wrong and it's actually harmless. If it's a reptile no one will ever question you, even if it's a harmless lizard. If you made it plausible that you believed they posed a threat to your life you could kill koalas and possums etc, though for all sorts of reasons I don't recommend it.

The important thing as snake enthusiasts is that we don't lie to the public, because it makes them hate us and destroys our credibility, meaning they will also dismiss anything genuine we have to say.
Interesting... So by law, being ignorant and or lying to defend the needless killing of snakes, no dramas, you're off the hook... BUT being ignorant and or lying about your credentials to illegally take and or keep a snake as a pet.. BIG problem.. LOL Ya gotta love it.

"Kev the reason we're here today is because we had a report that you killed a RBB with an axe down at the park, is this true?"
"Absolutely officer, I cut that f'r into 37 pieces, because it was chasing me and I thought I was going to die"
"No worries son, that's perfectly acceptable, by the way, nice enclosure you have there, what's in it??
"Oh yeah thanks, that's my pet RBB, his name is "redskin" I found him in the bush a couple of years back and rescued him because I figured he was lost and he would have died out there in the wild all on his own, he's pretty cool, once a week I go out and catch frogs and blue tongues to feed him. I've a mate in Indonesia who said he'll pay me 5k if I stuff him in a postage poster tube and send him over"
"Do you have a permit for Redskin"
"No I don't, he was on my property and there's hundreds of them here so it's all good"
"Son, you better come with us, unlawfully interfering with protected native wildlife is a federal offence"

*Pulls Redskin out of his terrarium and chops him up with axe*
"Officers I just saved your lives"
"Good work Son, let us buy you a beer"

The system is flawless.
perfect response Kev, you have saved us with your wisdom