bear grylls

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Active Member
May 19, 2011
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South Australia
hey everyone, does anyone know if Bear Grylls has a HUGE reptiles licence or just gets away with eating the reptiles in various country's, I know it's a survival program but when he was in Australia he ate a Olive python ?...
Link to him eating the olive? Do you see him kill it? I'm not a sick reptile hater, but I would be interested to watch it.
Yeah there was a thread about that... we all just ended up agreeing that he's a dick. He is a fake, and he wouldnt have the faintest idea how to survive if he was ever really dropped in the wilderness without 20 cameramen around him and a hotel nearby :rolleyes:
Which is illegal in every book and has only one exception which is not a license but the exceptions put down for traditional food source for Aboriginal peoples.
Yeah there was a thread about that... we all just ended up agreeing that he's a dick. He is a fake, and he wouldnt have the faintest idea how to survive if he was ever really dropped in the wilderness without 20 cameramen around him and a hotel nearby :rolleyes:

It is all a bit of a hoax, yes. Though given that he is ex-SAS I think he might have a slight idea of how to survive.....
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he wouldnt have the faintest idea how to survive if he was ever really dropped in the wilderness without 20 cameramen around him and a hotel nearby :rolleyes:

I'd put my money on Bear's chances of survival being much higher than the average APS bush champion. He's been in the SAS and climbed everest.
thanks guys for the help, and kawasakirider you did see him kill it but what he did first was picked it up carried it for miles on his arm and when he reached a fire he killed it, if you would like to know he also killed a water snake here.

Totally agree with you snakeluvver on everything you said, and yeh it's illegal in everyway cheers guys
Still... he's not as great as he wants everyone to think.

What's your definition of a great survivalist then? He is a showman, I'll give you that, but he is also pretty skilled.

In my books, a great survivalist is someone who can survive....
he's extreamly skilled but going around killing monitors to show someone how to survive, it seems like a was of time
bear grylls is amazing. even know he kills equally amazing animals... id still marry him any day.
anyway.. of what ive seen.. he picks up australian animals, says how beautiful they are, says they could possibly be a meal, but clearly states the animal is protected in AU and releases it
i like the show, but there was one ep. deep south, where he found a water snake, bit off its head and took one puny bite off it, then he chuked it back in the water and said, well theres one less snake to wory about, but theey are completly harmless lol
Im a fan of the show, its funny and you learn a bit...anyone who can drink there piss on a regular occasion is pretty tuff in my eyes and the shows that are aired on discovery have a disclaimer saying that alot of things are staged to show you how to survive its not like they wander around aimlessly and hope stuff happens.. in the end its a tv show.
I just like the start up sequence where hes saying" im going to show you how to survive, i have a knife, a water bottle and my camera crew is coming with me".................and my camera crew has a 3 trucks, a boat, 2 helicopters, a fully shocked bar and enough food to feed a third world country for a week...
Some people have actually taken things they have seen off the show and used them to survive when they have been in similar situations. For that reason I think it's great :)! It's also where I got my nick name from haha.. But that's another story!
There are already enough threads about this. SL I don't think anybody has ever "agreed" on that at all. These threads always get closed because nobody can agree on it.
If you don't like it turn it off. What's the big deal? I don't like Jersey Shore so I don't watch it. I don't go on about it like a freakin pork chop. He obviously gets permission or he wouldn't be able to show it
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