bearded dragon hatchlings

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Hi Everyone :)
I know this has probably been answered in another thread but i couldn't find it. am thinking bout getting a bearded dragon hatchling.. is it the same deal with those as it is with snakes? do they need a small tub in the beginning as well? or could I just get a big enclosure? how big do their enclosures have to be as adults? i read in the books i have at least a metre long? and i've got a 60cm exoterra tank. if i put a hatchie in that, how long til i'd have to move him into a big one?
thanks heaps for your help in advance:)
Hi Everyone :)
I know this has probably been answered in another thread but i couldn't find it. am thinking bout getting a bearded dragon hatchling.. is it the same deal with those as it is with snakes? do they need a small tub in the beginning as well? or could I just get a big enclosure? how big do their enclosures have to be as adults? i read in the books i have at least a metre long? and i've got a 60cm exoterra tank. if i put a hatchie in that, how long til i'd have to move him into a big one?
thanks heaps for your help in advance:)

They can be moved into a big enclosure straight away
4x2x2 if its a inland/central or eastern etc, 3x2x2 if its a pygmy you can keep pairs in those sizes as well. Beardies grow very quickly so if u put him in a 60cm exo id say 3 months.
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Yeah, at least 1metre long for an adult, generally 4ft (120cm) is the norm, I keep my pair in a 6ft tank, and 60cm deep is better than 45cm.
For a hatchie, 60cm long is plenty long enough, but it will probably outgrow it within 3-6 months, sometimes sooner! You will know when it is time to upgrade the tank, as the beardie just won't have enough room to get around and explore comfortably.
Good luck!
also i've got a reptiglo 5.0 uvb light. is that the right one i'll need?
Yep spot on,and try have branches or something in there so they can get within 10cm of the UV at some points.
If you can even give them 15 mins of direct (provide shade option) natural sunlight twice a week, it can be better than a whole week under their UV tube. Just make sure the beardie is secure and can't escape of get taken by birds or cats!
It's not the best time of year to do it now, but when it warms up a bit, or if there is a really nice day, give it a go.
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