Beardie diet?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hello all,

What do most of you feed your beardies? I'm getting a hatchie, and I need to know, is it hatchlings that eat loads of insects and not so many vegies, and adults that eat loads of vegies and not so many insects? What about pellets? How much of them do I need to them?

I need to know which at which ages dragons eat more, or less types of food!:rolleyes:

Sorry that I put this rather badly, I didn't really know how else to!!:rolleyes:

Hi Tom,

Our beardie eats woodies (lots). We tried crickets, but they drove me mad because they jump away!

He also loves to eat small pieces of Bok Choi, basil, parsley, mint and LOVES little pieces of cactus leaf from those big Cactus Fruit plants.

He won't touch the pellets.

I try to give him lots of green salad in the morning, and lots of insects later in the day. He hates calcium, so I hide this my mixing it with organic apple baby food (you could get your mum to make some plain stewed apple and keep it in the fridge).

Also - this is a great link for ideas for new fruit and veggies to try!
Hi Tom,

Our beardie eats woodies (lots). We tried crickets, but they drove me mad because they jump away!

He also loves to eat small pieces of Bok Choi, basil, parsley, mint and LOVES little pieces of cactus leaf from those big Cactus Fruit plants.

He won't touch the pellets.

I try to give him lots of green salad in the morning, and lots of insects later in the day. He hates calcium, so I hide this my mixing it with organic apple baby food (you could get your mum to make some plain stewed apple and keep it in the fridge).

Also - this is a great link for ideas for new fruit and veggies to try!

How many woodies does he eat in a day?
For a while, he just ate maybe 6 - 15, but yesterday he ate 35! And I think this will continue from now on. So maybe up to 200+ a week? Small ones though! We bought a tub of 1,000 for around $45, I think we will try breeding them though.
as they grow they can eat up and over 100 a day.
Kirby, Atticus looked SO fat after her 35 last night... She looked like she'd been puffed up with a bike pump! Even her back was rounded...

Should I keep letting her eat that many? She was still SUPER fat this morning, so I just gave her about 10 piece of bok choi, which she ate.
I would DEFINATLY start breeding crickets before you get your hatchy beardie. They do go through alot and if your buying them they cost you a bit. They arent hard to breed and will save you alot.

I have done alot of reading and i feed my hatchies 50% greens and 50% live food.

I feed mostly crickets and only woodies sometimes (as something different :D). I feed them twice or three times a day and for now, and i dust the crickets with calcium once a day.

With use bok choi, endive, watercress, chinese cabbage....asian veggies are the best.

When mine they are older i will change and feed them 80% veggies and 20% live food.:)
Atticus only eats a bit of calcium (because she is a stubborn girl!!). Out of 30 woodies each day, maybe 5 are well dusted. But she has good UV, and I take her outside a couple of times a week... I think she's doing well.
100 crickets is way too much unless they are the size of salt grains.
That's like making a person eat 100 chicken wings, alot of them are pigs, they will eat as much as they can because instinctively this is the practice they live by. When they are that young they haven't yet realised that they will be given food every day or so. They are creatures of habit.

I would say no more than thirty crickets depending on size.

My beardeds get a bowl of veggies (for example; bok choy, carrots, parsley, musard greens, pak choy, brocoli, brocoli leaves, pumpkin, raddish, asparagus, blueberries, cabbage, celery, cherries, blackberries, sprout plant, apple, squash,and capsicum to name a few) This is topped with calcium powder (bout three/four times a week, just a sprinkle) and bearded dragon pellets that get soaked in water.

For the adults - Fed every second day with either a veggie bowl or crickets, being fully grown i like to give their tummy's a break and give them time to digest, though i might give them a few blueberries or a bok choy leaf to munch on.
For juveniles - They get a veggie bowl every first day, small crickets every second.
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