Beardie Growth

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Active Member
Jun 21, 2009
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Sydney, NSW
Hey guys, I have a little Central Beardie named Spyro, hes roughly around 6 months old and I have had him just over a month, He has been brumating, he just chills under his log sleeping majority of the day and barely eats anything except for a few vegies off his dish. My main concern is he is 10 inches long (27cms) and I wasnt to concerned about it until i read a few things today of peoples beardies being 15 inches long at this age, is this something to be concerned about? or is it because of the brumation and his lack of eating, will he have a growth spurt when he comes out of it?.. sorry for the long read im new to the whole thing, thanks for all your help :D
Every bearded dragon grows at a different rate. my beardie is 6 months old and is only 8 inches from snout to end of tail. Genetics also play a part on it,so does food,heating and lighting.
At 6 months Elive was 25cm and Bolt was 32.5.

Both were the same size when bought and for the first 10 weeks Elvie was bigger than Bolt

Obviously Bolt is dominant, but different rates for different dragons, (same as us)

He is a little young for brumation, but as long as he is eating don't stress. Keep offering him crickets. Put them in the fridge to slow them down a bit.
What temps do you have in the setup? i.e. basking, middle, cool, & what are u using for your heat light?
Is this little Spyro that was in with the others?
ok thanks for the help guys, um Temps r low 20's in cool end and low 30's in hot end with baskin spot around the 40 degree mark, i use a 100watt basking globe, when i first got him he was underit all day everyday, but after a week or so until now he just chills away from it on the tiles and sleeps majority of the day, its startint o get warmer now though and hes startin to go back under the heat
Hi i just went a measured my beardy just then she is 11 inches from snout to end of tail.


Yes, your dragon should go through a growth spurt when he comes out of brumation.
What type & brand of UVB light are you using, is it a flourescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
Do you use calcium supplementation at least 4 times per week, optimally 5 for growing dragons?

I think its Repti-Glo?... 100watt basking globe, and 10.0 uv compact bulb, he is near it all the time though, its well in reach of him so he is gettin plenty of uv. When he does eat I do supplement him with the Calcium powder, but he hasnt eaten much lately cause of the whole brumation thing. So hopefully will be back to munching on the crickets soon.. was just a bit worried thats all, other than that he seems perfectly fine :)
Compact uvb bulbs are dangerous they can cause your dragon to go blind, I use to use one and i found my dragon found it difficult to catch her crickets she couldn't see them. But as soon as i took the compact uvb bukb out and replaced with the tube she could see the crickets better and harly missed them.
Every bearded dragon grows at a different rate. my beardie is 6 months old and is only 8 inches from snout to end of tail. Genetics also play a part on it,so does food,heating and lighting.

As said all grow at different rates i got one bearded dragon who always eats vegies and insects but doesn't grow as fast as the others.

It shouldn't be a problem as long as they are well fed and have all the requirements such as UVA/UVB etc.
Yea it all depends on the dragon and his/her parents, ive got a pygmy beardie who is not even 5 months and is already 17 or 18 cms which is pretty large.
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