beardie help.

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
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ok my female beardie is worrying me. her beard is inflated and has been for the past 48hours straight. she has trouble lifting her head and is being slugish. temps are 35 hot end and 23 cool end.

any help apreciated.

make a vet!

so she has friiled up & looks bloat?
give he a good soak in luke warm water ...may just be hydration...
what has she eaten in the last week?

temps at hot end under basking light should be 38-40* cool end temp is fine
she has eatin but in the past three days she has eatin lttle the temps was`jus what they were then they are still rising
you sure her jaw isnt inflamed ?.....

got to the vet ... either way its not worth mucking around with
if she isnt hot enough....& 35 isnt quite there in temps.. she could have feed in her throat
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May have had constipation, just take note if her behavior starts returning to normal now.
she has started moving more it is her beard being inflated and her mouth having blood etc.
what colour is her jaw...gums...where is the blood coming from ???
i missed you wrtiing blood before

bugger being online...go to the vets now!
no offence but why are u wasting time being here?
you obviously know somethings wrong,..blood definately isnt a good sign,...!!

as DL said the temps are wrong.
take it to a vet.
i understand its distressing & you need help..youve done the best thing by saying something
dont take it offenssively....get her to the vet now !
just rang the vet, and she might have a R.I, going to vet now will keep you guys informed
thanks Reptile Boy,..didnt mean to sound harsh but as u know once u notice a reptile is sick its getting pretty bad.

just worried for your girl,...thanks in advance for the updates. :)
ok just got back, vet said she is realy healthy, he said that she jus needs more heat and that she has a little bit of swelling and that it will go back down.
he wasnt worried about the blood or her being lethargic or anything?

no mouth problems?
food stuck in her throat or anything?

did he say why she had the swelling?

glad to hear shes ok,..does seems a little strange tho,......
what vet did you take her to? is it an exotic vet? or a cat/dog?
he said that the blood was from a small cut in the front ofd the mouth (very small).

no food in throat nothing.

i thought so to.
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