beardie isnt eating

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Active Member
Oct 8, 2008
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Okay so i got my bearded dragon yesterday and it was meant to be feeding well off vegies and crickets when i got her. She is i think like 10 weeks old. maybe more maybe less.
and today we left some pumkin in the enclosure. she has touched any. and then we put two crickets in and she has eaten them either. its been a whole day without eating. what could this be from and what she i do to help her eat?
It's been a day. She will be stressed from the move and new environment - also could be a little dehydrated (if you had to travel with her and she hasn't had any water/been misted)
she has a water bowl thing. should i mist her?
yeah i know she would be stressed, i just want her to eat thats all
you could consider pushing her temps up a bit on the hot side if she isn't eating in the next 4-5 days. She just sounds stressed from travel. leave her to settle in, dont handle her and she should start eating soon!
sometimes baby beardies can take up to a week to eat again once moved, as long as the temps are correct it will eat again.
pumpkin??? by itself... try cutting up some bok choy, beans, sprouts and some grated carrot together. make sure u dust the crickets every few feeds as well.
temp in hot end should be atleast 37-42c
i wouldnt worry about upping the temps too much if its hot were u live. personally u need to leav it alone, it is stressed. no picking it up , no handling , just some patience. it will eat in time. make sure it gets uv too.
okay well its eaten one cricket today. but it was crippled and wasnt jumping around just kinds moving. she wont eatany of the ones jumping around that i have put in =S. and she looks really mopy and that cricket is the only thing she has eaten since she has gotten here
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