Beardie not well

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Sep 22, 2008
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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help? I have a Bearded Dragon that will not open it's eyes. It did not appear to go into hibernation as it usually does around this time of year. It hasn't eaten in a while and it just moves around the cagev occasionally with it's eyes shut. Has anyone ever had this problem before? If so is it cause for concern and what can I do about it. Thank you.
What wattage light are you using......basking(spot) & U.V

ide be bathing your dragon asap in tempid warm water ...holding him in the palm of your hand
drizzling water over its mouth
this could be a de-hydration problem

make sure you keep greens replaced daly in the habitat

pm me if you need any help
are you overseas?
its a very unusual time to start brumation in september,...

if it moves around the cage with its eyes shut, 'd be worried about blindness,..

do u remove uneated live food items so they dont eat ur dragons nice moist eyes?

is the tank brightly lit?

do u use UVB lights?
if so what kind and how close does ur dragon sit to them?

how old is the dragon?

what about vitamin supplements? what brand and how often?
Yeah, mine did this when I put in a new high wattage, high UV tube. Once I took it out, it took about 4-5 days for them to open their eyes normally. Could that be it?
there coud be a range of problems .....only outlined a couple
moe than likely a combination

we need more information from the keeper
Thanks for your replies, the beardie is about 7 years old I am using a 10.0 UVB bulb this has not been replaced recently and the basking lamp is a 60w about 30cm from basking spot this is how it has been for it lifes. All food left over food is removed. Hope this helps some more.
ide be replacing the U.V asap

good distance for heat ...increase to a 75watt.... it will help (hardware shop lights $4)
bathe immediately....
40degrees at head height optimum for health
to digest... grow

when you have time please update with habitat size....length,height,depth?

its been a long cold winter ...increasing the heat will not harm your dragon ...
it will help with his over all health

how long ao was hs last full shed?
How often should the UV bulb be replaced? I replaced it about 9mths ago because it blew. HIs las shed was approx. 6-9mths ago. I bathed him and he took some water. After about 5 mins he wouldn't take any more. I just driped it over mouth. I will repeat in half an hour. His tank is 120cm L x 35cm W x 60 H. Thank you for all your help. Fingers crossed.
U.V depending on brand....6-12mnths

4ft habitat...great!
increase the height under your basking light if your unsure to up wattage
20cm is better

once youve bathed him ... no need to repeat more than hourly
put him under his heat souce

thats why he needs hotter temps........ so either increase wattage ...or height
letting the temp get to 40* at his head height...
dont worry unless its over 48-50* ok.....he will move if too hot
but atm ...he needs more heat

pm anytime
Ive been going through a similar thing the last few weeks.
But mines been eating and poo'ing fine.
He just went all downy and slept all day long, looked like he had no energy at all, and would not open his eyes.
I bathed him several times, turned the heat up a bit, put the water bowl on hot side of tank, misted him several times a day, gave him heaps of calcium and veges and what not.
He's finally livened up, im not sure what was actually wrong with him, but he seems cheery now, still not 100% but i think in a few days he will be.
Hope yours pulls through fine.
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