Beardie or Blue tongue and newbie advice :)

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beardies are awesome!!

and as far as food goes, they only eat heaps of insects while theyre growing, as adults they should be 80-90% vegetarian.

my beardies (now all over a year old) get roaches once a week (10ish) and the ones on a diet get roaches fortnightly.

if youre only getting 1, i'd say go for a boy since theyre more active and funny. (headbobbing/stomping around etc,...)
if you want more than one aim for girls,...but be aware they might need to be seperated if they dont get along.


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My beardies just have the run of one room in the house and outside
Inquisitive and spend most of their time on the curtains
Totally enjoy being handled
Very easy to look after
Love dandelions more than grubs
Lots more fun than blueys
beardies are awesome!!

and as far as food goes, they only eat heaps of insects while theyre growing, as adults they should be 80-90% vegetarian.

my beardies (now all over a year old) get roaches once a week (10ish) and the ones on a diet get roaches fortnightly.

if youre only getting 1, i'd say go for a boy since theyre more active and funny. (headbobbing/stomping around etc,...)
if you want more than one aim for girls,...but be aware they might need to be seperated if they dont get along.

Love the pic of your beardie checking herself out in the mirror - she must know she's gorgeous!

Only looking at one... for the moment :lol:
hehe, yeah she knows shes gorgeous, thats how she gets away with being such a ratbag!! :)
i have a bearded dragon in a 4ft tank and it is perfect size. they are very placid and are happy to be handled..
they love to eat and they are deffinately fun to watch!
hope i helped


how old is ur beardie livin in the 4footer??

Ive had Blueys not beardies (yet)

Cant go wrong with blueys. Like others said they eat anything. If you get and adult with little handling they still easy to calm down. when purchased as babies they are so fun to watch grow and grow they do!!! Mine was 13 cm and is now 45 cm at 10 months old!!!

They great for kids and they do stand up to a lot of handling infact the more you handle the calmer they get and blueys love cuddling up to you for warmth when its cold.

They can also be toilet trained like puppies :). After feeding place outside or on paper (or where they meant to poop) they usually got about 10 to 15 mins after a feed. Keep doing this every feed and eventuly you get the knack when they will go and soon they get trained to it as well saves messing up the cage. My grand mother lets hers roam in her unit and it comes out and goes to the loo in the bathroom on the tiles so she clean it up easy. It likes to sleep under her bed :)

Ive heard Beardies are really great pets i soon hope to add one to the collection but the only thing id see if you spent ages convincing the other half to get a lizard in the first place would having to buy Beardies special food be annoying?? Least Bluey will eat half of your shopping and might be easier to settle in with the family without making such an impact buying special dietry requierements. (i think you should get calcium supplement for both lizards though)

Have fun with your new family member :) careful once you start you wont stop!!! (collecting that is)
I had blueys and I have bearded dragons. I found the blueys boring after a while. The bearded dragon is very interesting and isn't really hard to keep. They do need UV light. Also giving them a luke warm bath once to twice a week is good to stop them from impacting. The warm bath will help them deficate.

I would get a male if you are only planing on getting the one, But you will want more as they are very addictive LOL.....

The male is very interesting he runs around stamping his feet and bobbing his head. I could watch them for hours.

There are breeders on here and there should be some for sale in a month or 2 as it's egg season now. Good luck with your choice.
LOL. I'm just trying to imagine giving my new beardie's a bath !
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