Just another thought, i noticed that you said he hasnt pooped for a while, is he getting enough fluids? Try offering some water in a dropper or syringe by placing on the end of his nose, or spray his branches with water and see if he has a drink. Sometimes our beardies dont drink enough and can become dehydrated without us knowing, in my personal experience this is sometimes the major cause for other problems as well.
I also see that mum wont let you have the woodies, no fair for your beardie, they love them and are good for them too, you can buy some stuff called Roach off or Roach away that you paint on your tank , the woodies cant cross it and fall back into the tank. The astroturf would be a pain tho cos they would hide under it.
Also IMPO beardies really prefer to be on sand, buy some washed beach sand and use that, keep it reasonably damp tho, to help stop compaction and regularly spray the branches above to provide moisture for your beardie. Think if he is in the wild, each morning there will be morning dew on the leaves and the ground will be damp. We need to copy that so that they will be happy and healthy.
Hope this helps and good luck...